The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 678 The Ruthless God of War 15

Chapter 678 The Ruthless God of War 15
Was this fire artificially set?
What Zhuo Bingshan meant...someone set fire to Concubine Chen Palace on purpose?
"This Concubine Chen Palace has been abandoned, who would set it on fire?"

Zhuo Yanchong didn't answer, his eyes moved away from the burning palace and slowly fell on Lin Fu.

"Lin Fu, when did Concubine Chen's Palace catch fire?"

Lin Fu buried his head in thought for a while, patted his head and replied: "Back to the emperor, the servant can't say well, but I met a palace lady on the road and hurriedly came to tell the servant that there was a fire in Concubine Chen's palace, and the servant came over to take a look. Sure enough, there was a fire... Just as I was about to report to the emperor, some court ladies and eunuchs from other palaces came and said that those places were also on fire!"

When Lin Fu said this, he looked carefully at Zhuo Yanchong's expression.

Seeing that he wasn't angry, he continued, "That's why this servant felt that this matter was no small matter, so he rushed to report it to the emperor!"

Zhuo Yanchong responded indifferently: "How about the other palaces that were on fire?"

"Back to the emperor, the fires in other palaces have been almost extinguished, only the fire in Concubine Chen's Palace is the biggest..."

"Is anyone injured in other palaces?"

"This slave doesn't know yet..." Lin Fu replied awkwardly.

"Go down and investigate this matter, if anyone is injured, go ask the imperial doctor to prescribe medicine..."

Zhuo Yanchong waved his hands and ordered lightly.

Lin Fu was still a little hesitant, looked at the fire that would not be extinguished for a while, and said worriedly: "Your Majesty, empress, I am afraid that the fire will not be extinguished for a while, we should go back to the bedroom first, and wait until the fire is extinguished!"

"No need..." Zhuo Yanchong and Jin Yuan said in unison.

The two looked at each other again, knowing what the other was planning, a smile flashed across their eyes.

Lin Fu was stunned for a moment, not understanding what the emperor and empress were trying to do by insisting on staying here.

Seeing that they had made up their minds, he didn't want to say much, he bent down and prepared to leave to do the things the emperor had asked him to do.

Before Lin Fu left, Jin Yuan stopped him again: "Eunuch Lin, you said that a court lady told you that Concubine Chen's palace was on fire. Where is that court lady at the moment?"

Lin Fu rubbed his head, shook his head and replied: "Queen, this servant was anxious to report this matter to the emperor, so he didn't pay attention to where the court lady went..."

(End of this chapter)

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