The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 679 The Ruthless God of War 16

Chapter 679 The Ruthless God of War 16
It seems that the maid is also a little weird!
After Lin Fu left, Zhuo Yanchong was about to wave his hand to put out the growing fire, but Jin Yuan pressed his hand and said solemnly: "Zhuo Bingshan, the fire started for some reason, maybe it's because of that fire. Maybe the temptation of the monster, if you cast a spell now, the monster will notice that you have recovered your divine power, let me destroy it..."

Since the monster wants to circle around with them, she will accompany them to the end!
As for Zhuo Bingshan, when he gets the Demon Subduing Sword, hehe... Let's see if the demon dares to make such a fuss!

Without waiting for Zhuo Yanchong to react, Jin Yuan walked closer to Concubine Chen's Palace and waved her sleeves.

In a ray of golden light, the palace that was struggling in the raging fire was protected by the enchantment cast by Jin Yuan.

Then Jin Yuan clapped her hands three times to the sky, and used sound transmission to tell Lei Gong and Dian Mu to let them do it. After a while, there was thunder and lightning, and a torrential downpour began.

The maids and eunuchs who were carrying wooden buckets to put out the fire were relieved when they saw that it was raining heavily.

In a heavy rain, those fires were finally completely extinguished, but the maids and eunuchs were completely embarrassed by the rain.

Jin Yuan looked at those people, and whispered to Zhuo Yanchong: "Tell me, among those people, is there the little maid who came to report the news that Lin Fu said?"

Zhuo Yanchong also looked in the direction of Jin Yuan's finger, and finally his eyes fell on a court lady whose back was facing them.

He walked towards the maid, and Jin Yuan also noticed that he had been looking at the maid, knowing that he had already found out who the maid Lin Fu was talking about, so she quickly raised her heels to follow.

"The fire was put out by the rain, are you disappointed?"

Zhuo Yan rushed to the side of the maid and asked in a cold voice.

The palace maid shook her body, turned around and saw Zhuo Yanchong and Jin Yuan, quickly bowed and said: "I have seen the emperor and the empress...there is a big fire here, what about the emperor and the empress..."

Zhuo Yanchong's face darkened: "You haven't answered what I just said!"

The palace maid trembled even more, she didn't dare to lift her head, and replied tremblingly: "Your Majesty, forgive me, servant girl... I don't know what the emperor means..."

(End of this chapter)

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