The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 681 The Ruthless God of War 18

Chapter 681 The Ruthless God of War 18
Seeing that Zhuo Yanchong was unmoved, the palace maid turned around and hugged Jin Yuan's legs and begged for mercy: "Queen, you are the most merciful, you must trust slaves, slaves will not do this... It's all Concubine Luo, it's all Concubine Luo..."

Although Jin Yuan was astonished, she still bent down calmly and persuaded in a harmonious voice, "We won't wrong anyone, and we don't want to punish you. We just ask Eunuch Lin to take you down for routine questioning..."

While she was talking, she was about to help the maid, but the maid suddenly raised her head and sneered at Jin Yuan and Zhuo Yanchong.

"Question? Humph, I know, you guys want to kill me...just like killing the national teacher and concubine Chen, without leaving any don't distinguish between good and bad, and wrongly judge the good and the stupid...One day, you will be punished. It's time for retribution!"

After the maid finished speaking, the maids and eunuchs who were still cleaning up the mess all stopped their work and began to watch the excitement.

Lin Fu's face changed drastically, and he grabbed the palace lady who was laughing wildly.

"And you... You deceived the public with your demonic words, not only killing Concubine Chen and the national teacher, but also causing chaos in the world, making the people miserable... What the national teacher said that day is absolutely true, you are a witch!"

Regardless of Lin Fu's grabbing her, the palace maid pointed at Jin Yuan and cursed angrily every word.

Listening to her accusation, Jin Yuan's face was black...

Originally, she was talking about the fire in Concubine Chen's palace. How did this court lady mention the death of the Imperial Teacher and Concubine Chen?

Still think she killed them?

That's all for Concubine Chen...

The maid kept saying that the national teacher was innocent, so she had to make her sweat wildly.

Could it be that the national teacher Chao Li gave them ecstasy soup?Even after death, he can still exert his remaining warmth...

Before Jin Yuan could speak, Zhuo Yanchong's face was gloomy and terrifying, and he ordered Lin Fu coldly: "Lin Fu, find two guards, drag her down to me and behead her!"

When Jin Yuan heard that he was going to kill the court lady, she waved her hand to stop him, and whispered in his ear: "If you kill her like this, is it true that I am accused of deceiving people?"

She glared at him, walked up to the palace lady who was being held by Lin Fu, and said calmly: "I said before, we never wronged anyone, and it's not bad to kill anyone... The national teacher has killed many people, and so has Concubine Chen." , That's why they ended up in that end! Since you said that you had nothing to do with the arson, why are you so panicked? have gained some benefits by protecting the Imperial Teacher and Concubine Chen like this?"

(End of this chapter)

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