The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 682 The Ruthless God of War 19

Chapter 682 The Ruthless God of War 19
Jin Yuan's words obviously hit the court lady's mind, her face turned pale, her lips trembled and said: "I don't understand what you are talking about... It wasn't me who set the fire, it was Concubine Luo..."

"Concubine Luo and Concubine Chen have no grievances, so how could they set her palace on fire?"

Jin Yuan frowned slightly, and interrupted her coldly.

It was also the first time that the court lady saw Jin Yuan displaying the majesty of a queen. After a short period of sluggishness, she sneered again and replied: "What do you know? Concubine Luo was thrown into the cold palace before, and it was Concubine Chen who killed her... Concubine Luo felt in her heart If I knew about this earlier, I wanted to find an opportunity to take revenge... Now that Concubine Chen is dead, Concubine Luo's hatred will not diminish..."

Listening to her words, Jin Yuan seemed to have watched a harem drama, but no matter what the maid said, she always felt that something was wrong!

Concubine Luo is different from Concubine Chen... If Concubine Chen is not dead, she might do something like set fire to other people's palaces, but Concubine Luo will not do that!
Besides, this maid should be from Concubine Luo's Palace, why would she slander Concubine Luo if she is so nice? !
"Your words are full of loopholes, now I can only let Eunuch Lin take you down first, until you are willing to tell the truth..."

In order to prevent Zhuo Yanchong from killing the court lady in public because of anger, Jin Yuan said calmly, and then winked at Lin Fu.

Lin Fu understood, and was about to take the maid to leave, but the maid pinched Lin Fu desperately. Taking advantage of the moment Lin Fu cried out in pain to let go, she rushed towards Jin Yuan quickly, holding a fistful of gold in her hand. Jinzan wants to die with Jin Yuan.

Everyone stared wide-eyed and held their breath, even the guards forgot to call.

But the people present didn't see how Jin Yuan avoided it at all, let alone Zhuo Yanchong's movement. With a miserable howl, the maid was sent flying far away.

Everyone looked up in surprise, only to see that the maid's figure drew an arc in the air, and then fell to the ground hard with a bang.

Everyone didn't dare to take a closer look, but they could imagine how badly the maid fell!
"Emperor... Your Majesty..." Lin Fu watched this scene tremblingly. It took him a long time to recover, and he stammered, "This, what is this..."

Zhuo Yanchong glanced at him coldly: "Drag that maid down!"

"Yes, yes..." Lin Fu was terrified by his cold eyes, and almost fell to his knees.

PS: There are changes in the background, so I didn't update it in the afternoon... I hope TX will not keep changing it, my head is dizzy!
(End of this chapter)

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