The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 686 The Ruthless God of War 23

Chapter 686 The Ruthless God of War 23
She thought about it, but couldn't figure it out. She thumped her head, sighed softly, turned around and went back to the burned concubine's palace.

Maybe some clues can be found in the burnt-out Concubine Chen's Palace, and she can get rid of the troubled things along the way!

Jin Yuan wandered around the burnt Concubine Chen's palace for a long time, but she didn't find anything wrong... Or, even if there was something wrong, it was probably burnt to the point that even the ashes scattered.

Those maids and eunuchs who were still cleaning up the remnants also left under Zhuo Yanchong's order. After all, this Concubine Chen Palace is just an abandoned palace. The master is dead, so cleaning up is useless...

The originally huge Concubine Chen's Palace was now empty and burned to ashes, making it look even more gloomy.

A gust of cool wind suddenly blew in through the window, blowing away the ashes all over the place.

Jin Yuan covered her nose and mouth and waved her sleeves, but the ashes became more restless, and the wind blew harder.

Has it changed?

Jin Yuan looked out the window. After the heavy rain, it was clear that the sky was clear outside. Where did this inexplicable cold wind come from?
Amidst the doubts, a low sigh came from next to his ear.Jin Yuan's heart shivered, and she looked in the direction of the voice, but she didn't see anyone.

It's just that the group of restless ashes hovered around her under the strong wind. The speed was getting faster and faster, and it gradually became a human shape, which looked particularly strange.

Jin Yuan stared at the human form condensed from the ashes, rubbed her own eyes, and realized that she was right...

Could it be that the sigh just now came from these condensed human-shaped ashes?
She has seen resentful spirits, and those ghostly bodies driven by demons... and even demons and spirits, but she has never seen this weird thing in front of her!
"What are you...?" Jin Yuan stared blankly at the mass of ashes in front of her, and couldn't help reaching out to touch it.I really don't know if I encountered this thing, whether it is real or not!
The human figure made of ashes laughed again, with a hoarse and strange voice: "Jin Yuan, we haven't seen each other for a long time..."

The voice was a little shrill and astringent, but she couldn't tell if it was a man or a woman when she heard it.

"Are you a demon?" Jin Yuan was vigilant, but she didn't back down. She stared blankly at the ball of ashes, frowned and asked word by word, "You started this fire?"

(End of this chapter)

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