The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 687 The Ruthless God of War 24

Chapter 687 The Ruthless God of War 24
The face of the human figure condensed from the ashes was blurry, and it had no eyes and noses, but Jin Yuan still felt that... the mass of ashes was staring at her deeply.

She couldn't help shivering...

If it is really a monster, it will be very bad!

Fortunately, the demon did not go to Zhuo Bingshan, it seems that she has to hold him back first!
Jin Yuan was still full of thoughts, thinking about how to fight against the ashes figure in front of him that might be transformed by a demon, but the group of ashes spoke again, with a hoarse and weird tone of voice.

"Demon...hehe...Jin Yuan, how do you know that I'm not Concubine Chen?"

Jin Yuan was taken aback, looked at the ashes suspiciously for a moment, then shook her head and replied: "Concubine Chen is dead... Even if she died with resentment, she would not become a resentful spirit so quickly, let alone turn the ashes into ashes with her soul." Congeal into a human form!"

"I haven't seen you for a long time, but you have become smart..." The ashes laughed out loud, the laughter was hoarse and dry, which made Jin Yuan feel uncomfortable.

Seeing that the ashes didn't seem to have too much malice, Jin Yuan's tense nerves relaxed slightly, and she curled her lips and said, "I'm not familiar with you, why are you talking about me in such a familiar tone?"

Ashes chuckled twice, then changed the subject, and said lightly: "An ignorant mortal like Concubine Chen is not worthy of my use... Every mortal is very dull, and the national teacher Chao Li is also the same. Too disappointed!"

Listening to his accusations against mortals, Jin Yuan rolled her eyes at the sky speechlessly.

Regardless of Concubine Chen, after all, the national teacher was used by the demon, and was killed by the demon... Now that the demon is using stupid people in the end, those people will probably jump out of their graves in anger!
"Demon...or you should be called Mandrill, the national teacher Chao Li was killed by you, and you still say he is useless..." Jin Yuan shook her head and said disapprovingly.

When the group of ashes heard Jin Yuan shout out the word "mandrill", their bodies trembled, but their voice remained calm.

"You're wasn't me who killed the national teacher!"

Jin Yuan stared at him, is there anyone who kills others and refuses to admit it? !
This monster is too bad!
"Then who do you think killed him?" Jin Yuan asked angrily.

"It's him..." The human figure made of ashes walked a few steps away from Jin Yuan, wandered around in Concubine Chen's palace for several times, and his voice became more ethereal and empty. "It was his own desire that killed him!"

(End of this chapter)

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