The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 691 The Ruthless God of War 28

Chapter 691 The Ruthless God of War 28
That cloud of ashes was scattered everywhere with the wind, and never gathered into a human form again!
The demon just... left?
She didn't understand why the monster suddenly appeared and left suddenly, and she didn't understand why the monster said that she was destined to be of the same kind as it!
Just like the first time she met Mrs. Qin in the temple, she didn't know that Mrs. Qin was a demon at that time, but when she heard Mrs. Qin said that they were of the same kind, she thought Mrs. Qin was also a celestial god, and she even misunderstood Zhuo Bingshan as a demon...

It was only later that I realized that everything was a monster fooling her!
But now... Although the monster did not fully show up, it confronted her head-on, to be precise, it was not a confrontation, but a conversation...

Why did the demon insist that they are of the same kind? !
Jin Yuan was puzzled, thinking about what the monster said just now, talking about her and Zhuo Bingshan, her heart suddenly thumped.

The appearance of the monster this time is definitely not as simple as just chatting with her!I'm afraid the demon...already knew about Zhuo Bingshan's restoration of his divine power!
Thinking of this, she was so anxious that she decided to go to Zhuo Bingshan first.After hastily leaving Concubine Chen's Palace, I heard a loud "boom—" coming from behind.

Then what came to the ears were the terrified screams of the two maids.

Jin Yuan turned around and looked, only to see that the Concubine Chen's palace, which had been burnt to a large extent, finally collapsed in a shaky state.

Without even thinking about it, you know that this is the "masterpiece" of the demon before he left!

A once magnificent and splendid palace, with the passing of its owner, just turned into ruins.

And those silks and satins that were once very exquisite have long been burned to ashes by the fire and drifted away with the wind... This situation has to make people sigh!

But Jin Yuan didn't have much time to sigh at the moment, she just took a few glances at the collapsed Concubine Chen's Palace, and seeing that the screaming maid was not injured, she turned and hurried towards Concubine Luo's Palace.

Jin Yuan flew to the courtyard of Concubine Luo's Palace, but she didn't hear any fighting sounds, nor did she hear the panicked sounds of the maids and eunuchs. It seems that the monsters didn't come to Zhuo Bingshan.

Only Zhuo Bingshan and Luo Fei were missing.Didn't Zhuo Bingshan want to see Concubine Luo?Why are the two of them not in Luo Fei Palace?
Jin Yuan was a little puzzled, so she grabbed a court lady who was cleaning fallen leaves and asked, "Where did your mother go? Has the emperor been here?"

The court lady nodded quickly, and replied respectfully: "Back to the empress, the emperor came here just now, but after a while, he left with his empress!"

(End of this chapter)

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