The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 692 The Ruthless God of War 29

Chapter 692 The Ruthless God of War 29
"Leaving?" Jin Yuan raised her eyebrows in surprise, and asked doubtfully, "Where did they go?"

The maid shook her head, and replied honestly: "I don't dare to ask more questions, I just heard the emperor say something about lotus..."

lotus?Jin Yuan was startled, could it be...could it be...

A bold guess emerged in her heart... This guess had already surfaced when she met Luo Fei a few days ago, but she forcibly suppressed it at that time!
Because she hoped that all this was just her own overthinking!

Now it seems... It's not that she thinks too much, but that she doesn't want to face it anymore!

A wry smile unconsciously appeared on the corner of Jin Yuan's lips, and she walked out of Concubine Luo Palace step by step, with heavy steps.

Zhuo Bingshan has never mentioned about Concubine Luo to himself, but actually thinking about it carefully...he treats Concubine Luo differently from other concubines!
He once went to the Leng Palace himself, asked the imperial doctor to prescribe medicine for Concubine Luo, and even hugged Concubine Luo and whispered to comfort her...Later, Concubine Luo moved out of the Leng Palace and moved back to Concubine Luo Palace, although he didn't ask much, but after he After being deceived by blood lotus seeds, it was Concubine Luo, not her, who met on the wedding night!

Even though he regained his divine power, got rid of Concubine Chen and drove away other concubines, he still kept Concubine Luo...

Maybe he doesn't even know about his special affection for Luo Fei!

But she didn't forget the intoxicated expression on the night of the celebration when he watched Luo Fei playing the piano!

Jin Yuan sighed and walked towards the lotus pond with a wry smile.It's a forbidden place... If Zhuo Bingshan hadn't mentioned it, she wouldn't have known that the withered lotus pond was actually a forbidden place!
The lotus blooms in winter, it is a vision...

She always thought that vision was a reminder from the Emperor of Heaven. It wasn't until she met him in the lotus pond after getting rid of the resentful spirit and returned to the palace, and saw how hurtful his indifference was, that she knew that Zhuo Bingshan's former love, It is the incarnation of the lotus!
Now that the lotus is in full bloom, if it is not a sign from the Heavenly Emperor... then does it mean that the lotus has come back from the dead?
Jin Yuan remembered what the maid who was related to the fire in the palace said before she died. She said that it was Concubine Luo who asked her to go to the lotus pond... In other words, Concubine Luo also knew about the lotus blooming!

Everything... is going in the direction she fears!

But she can't stop it!
Before she got close to the lotus pond, she saw Zhuo Bingshan and Luo Fei from a distance, standing under a tree beside the lotus pond, talking quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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