The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 693 The Ruthless God of War 30

Chapter 693 The Ruthless God of War 30
She took a deep breath, concealed her body and moved closer. In order to prevent Zhuo Bingshan from finding out that she was eavesdropping, she purposely concealed her aura.

"Pojun Xingjun, I accidentally walked to this lotus pond yesterday, looking at the lotus flowers blooming in this pond, I remembered the past..." Luo Fei was the first to speak.

Blocked by the shade of a tree, Jin Yuan couldn't quite see the expression on Luo Fei's face, but she could tell that she was slightly agitated from her slightly trembling voice.

And in her arms, she was holding the Jiaoweiqin.

Zhuo Yanchong looked at Concubine Luo quietly, his gaze stayed on the Jiaoweiqin in her arms for an unknown amount of time, before he nodded and said, "It's hard for you to stay by my side all the time... "

The voice is gentle and low, just like he is hugging himself and whispering softly...

Listening to him whispering so softly to Luo Fei, Jin Yuan felt sour in her heart, and a majestic fog rose in front of her eyes.

"It's not bitter, it's not bitter at all..." Luo Fei hugged Jiao Weiqin tightly, shook her head excitedly and said, "I just want, as long as I can stay by Pojun Xingjun's side and watch Pojun Xingjun quietly no, no other thoughts..."

"You..." Zhuo Yanchong shook his head and sighed, reaching out to pat Luo Fei's shoulder, his voice became deeper and deeper. "Actually, you don't have to do this... and you don't have to worry about the Emperor's thoughts!"

"It's not the Emperor of's me who insisted on it..." Luo Fei lowered her eyes, her shoulders began to tremble, her graceful figure looked particularly pitiful. "I have nothing else to think about, I just hope that... Pojun Xingjun can be happier!"

Jin Yuan looked at Concubine Luo who was holding Jiaoweiqin, looked at her elegant figure, and unknowingly overlapped with the appearance of Lian'er in her mind...

The Lian'er in the dream was also holding Jiao Weiqin like her, saying something affectionately to Po Jun, the breeze was blowing, the skirts were flying, and the lotus petals were also flying around her body.

"Thousands of years, how have I ever been happy?" Zhuo Yanchong gave a long sigh with a wry smile, his voice seemed ethereal and distant in Jin Yuan's ears.

Jin Yuan watched him sink into memories, and unknowingly felt sorry for him.She has never tasted the taste of loneliness, but the loneliness of thousands of years is scary even thinking about it!
Concubine Luo was silent for a while, and then asked quietly: "Lord Pojun Xing, after you recovered your divine power, you were still with Miss Jinyuan... Did you, did you forget Lian'er?"

(End of this chapter)

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