The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 694 The Ruthless God of War 30

Chapter 694 The Ruthless God of War 30
Luo Fei's voice was about to cry, and the hand holding Jiao Weiqin couldn't help shaking.

Jin Yuan's heart also trembled following Luo Fei's questioning.

Is it finally time to speak out?

Are you finally getting to know each other?
"How could I forget?" Zhuo Yanchong shook his head with a wry smile, pointed to his heart, and said in a low voice: "Lian'er has already taken root in me, and I will never forget her for eternity..."

Jin Yuan shuddered, she could imagine how deep his love for Lian Er was...

She never expected him to forget Lian'er!After all, that is the person he has loved for thousands of years!
"But... but Lord Po Jun Xing is now in love with Miss Jin Yuan. One day, Miss Jin Yuan will replace Lian'er in your heart!"

Concubine Luo looked up at Zhuo Yanchong, with tears in her eyes.

Zhuo Yanchong quietly looked at Jiao Weiqin in Luo Fei's arms, his eyes were full of nostalgia and love.

Jin Yuan has never seen that kind of deep nostalgia...

Even when she was alone with him, no matter how gentle he was to her, the deep nostalgia never appeared in his eyes!
"It's different..." Zhuo Yanchong shook his head, sighed and said, "I tried to forget it, but I can't forget it...No one can replace Lian Er's position in my heart!"

When Jin Yuan heard him say these words firmly and slowly, her body finally trembled violently.

She always thought...he needs time to forget, and the scar on his heart also needs time to heal...

But he didn't expect that no matter what he did, he couldn't replace Lian Er's position in his heart!

Can a heart be so big, can it hold two people?

She was completely confused... No one could replace Lian'er's position in his heart, so the only thing that kept her together with him was Yuelao's red thread, only her body!
She turned out to be so pathetic... She already needed to use her body to keep her together with him!
He pets her, loves her, wants her... But the position in his heart is always reserved for Lian Er, not for her!
She is just a little God of Wealth who got it halfway, she doesn't know how to play the piano, and she doesn't have the noble temperament of a lotus flower... So she is destined not to be the most important person in his heart!

A sharp pain suddenly hit her heart.She clutched her heart, only then did she turns out that loving someone is so painful and tiring...

But she couldn't help but love, couldn't help loving!
(End of this chapter)

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