The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 695 The Ruthless God of War 31

Chapter 695 The Ruthless God of War 31
Because she can't turn back!
Tears covered her eyes, she didn't wipe them away, her mind was blank, and she couldn't hear what they were talking about.She just stood there, looked at Zhuo Yanchong, and Lianqin led people to embrace Luo Fei in her arms.

This time, he did not leave the person holding Jiao Weiqin, and left without looking back.

It's the exact opposite of what happened in the dream!

Jin Yuan was already unconscious from the heartache, and her tears had dried up.She didn't know when she left, because she didn't have the courage to look at them any more!
She stumbled back and met Moran on the road. She couldn't listen to what Moran said, and was dragged back to the bedroom by Moran. Facing the empty inner hall, she woke up.

Zhuo Bingshan and Lian Er...

Even if the two recognize each other, she doesn't want to leave just like that!Although she was timid, she didn't want to just shrink back like this...

She is not reconciled... She is really not reconciled!
Thousands of years of love is love, but her love for him for only one year, isn't it love? !
She wants to be here, waiting for his return, waiting for his showdown with her, waiting for his decision!

Jin Yuan just sat quietly in the inner hall of the bedroom, Zhuo Yanchong didn't come back until night fell.

"Little Yuan Baoer, why are you sitting by the window in so little clothes, be careful of catching a cold!" Zhuo Yanchong saw her sitting by the screen window in a daze as soon as she came back.

The screen window was wide open, and gusts of cold wind blew in, messing up her clothes and hair, but she was still sitting so engrossed, motionless.

Zhuo Yanchong unknowingly frowned slightly, waved his hand to pick up the outer robe on the soft couch and put it on Jin Yuan's body, and said in a low voice: "Little Yuan Bao'er, what are you thinking, so focused on it? It's a bit cold today, be careful I caught a cold!"

The voice was still so gentle, and she almost couldn't hold back the tears gushing out of her gentleness.

Can you...don't be so gentle with her? !

Because sometimes... Gentleness with a beginning and an end hurts more than cruelty with a beginning and an end.

She was even afraid... afraid that he would say those things to her that she couldn't accept the next moment!

Even though her heart ached like a knife, Jin Yuan still grasped the hem of her robe tightly, thinking that she would be able to absorb a little more warmth. She smiled at him pretending to be innocent, turned her head and said, "I'm a god... a god can't Get sick and catch a cold!"

(End of this chapter)

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