The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 696 The Ruthless God of War 33

Chapter 696 The Ruthless God of War 33
How much she wanted to ask him, there are her and Concubine Luo in the palace at the moment... Is he very hesitant, even regretting...

But she has no courage!
She thought... Once he had a showdown with her, even if she was asked to leave, she would be cool for a while, and treat these love affairs as a passing thing!
But she can't do it!She couldn't bear to leave him...

I used to laugh at the heroines in those TV novels, saying that they couldn't take it and let it go... It wasn't until she understood what love is and what love is, she suddenly understood!

It turns out that once you fall in love... you won't be able to afford it or let it go!
"Little Yuan Bao'er, why are you in a bad mood today?" Zhuo Yanchong noticed that something was wrong with her expression, and finally put down his chopsticks and asked softly.

"Zhuo Bingshan, I..." Jin Yuan tremblingly opened her mouth, but as soon as she raised her eyes to meet his gentle gaze, the words she wanted to ask were blocked in her heart, and she could never ask them again.

What should she ask?What should she do?
She wanted to know, since he said that Lian'er's position in his heart could not be replaced by anyone... Then if Lian'er was resurrected, would she have no chance again? !
She wanted to know even more... Since he found that no one could replace Lian Er's position in his heart, what was she, Jin Yuan, to him?
He said that she is not a substitute... Could it be that his heart can really accommodate two people?
Even if he can hold two people in his heart, what about her?How could she bear it, how could Lian'er bear it? !

She didn't understand why Luo Fei didn't take the initiative to find Zhuo Bingshan after recovering her memory, but when they talked just now, they mentioned the Emperor of Heaven, and she understood a little...

Sure enough, as the demon said, whether it is her, Concubine Luo, or Zhuo Bingshan... are just pawns in the hands of the Heavenly Emperor!

The Emperor of Heaven is the master, can she fight? !

She didn't understand why the Emperor of Heaven sent her down to stay with Zhuo Bingshan, and why he insisted on separating Zhuo Bingshan and Lian'er... Logically speaking, she should be lower than Lian'er in the rank of immortal!
Now that Concubine Luo has recovered her memory, and Zhuo Bingshan also knows Concubine Luo's identity, what is the Heavenly Emperor's plan?
She couldn't figure it out...and didn't want to figure it out!
She is just a little fairy, even if she understands what the Emperor of Heaven thinks, so what? !
Zhuo Yanchong looked at Jin Yuan's downcast eyes and said nothing, thinking that Jin Yuan was worried about the fire and the monster, so he gently hugged her waist and comforted her with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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