The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 697 The Ruthless God of War 34

Chapter 697 The Ruthless God of War 34
"Little Yuan Bao'er, don't worry, the Fumo Sword will be found soon... The demons won't run rampant for long!"

Jin Yuan was full of thoughts, but she no longer knew how to tell him.Even the waist, which was used to being hugged by him in the past, became a little stiff at this moment.

However, Zhuo Yanchong didn't notice, he continued to hug her and said slowly: "Little Yuan Bao'er, don't think too much, I will take care of everything..."

She smiled bitterly in silence, everything was with him... If it was before, she would feel safe and happy when she heard him say that...

But at this moment, hearing his words, she only felt sad!
With him in everything...does she still dare to look forward to it?
She didn't dare to think anymore, and didn't dare to ask any more... She just responded with a sob, closed her eyes and leaned on his shoulder, absorbing the warmth that might no longer belong to her...

Let her timidly enjoy his last tenderness!
Luo Fei...or she should be called the reborn Lian'er...I'm sorry!

She really... doesn't want to let go so chicly!

Even if they are destined to be separated... She still hopes that she will not let go of every moment with him!
She must deeply remember his tenderness!

"Little Yuan Baoer, you haven't eaten anything tonight, come, eat more..."

Zhuo Yanchong saw her leaning on his shoulder clinging like a kitten, and didn't notice her complicated state of mind, stroked her face and said softly.

"You want to feed me?" Jin Yuan suppressed the bitterness in her heart, raised her eyebrows with a forced smile and asked back.

Zhuo Yanchong was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head and smiled. As Jin Yuan said, he took a bowl of hot soup and began to feed it to Jin Yuan's mouth spoon by spoon.

Jin Yuan greedily enjoyed his tenderness, unknowingly, after eating a bowl of hot soup, her body was not as cold as before.

She smacked her tongue involuntarily, Zhuo Yanchong put down the soup bowl, and said amusedly: "It turns out that you are not hungry!"

"Because you feed me, so I have a big appetite..." Jin Yuan said with a smile, not forgetting to lick the corners of her lips.

She herself felt that in order to cover up the bitterness in her heart, she laughed a little exaggeratedly...

But Zhuo Yanchong didn't notice that she was smiling a little stiffly, but saw her careless move of licking the corner of her lips, and a flame ignited in her eyes.

"Little Yuan Baoer... Are you full?" He asked in a hoarse voice, stroking the corner of her lips with his fingers, with a different kind of sensation in his slow movements.

(End of this chapter)

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