The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 698 The Ruthless God of War 35

Chapter 698 The Ruthless God of War 35
Jin Yuan was taken aback for a moment, and raised her eyes to meet his suddenly deep eyes, only feeling that his fingers caressing the corner of her lips became extremely hot, she nodded subconsciously.

"You're full, it's my turn..." Zhuo Yanchong raised a playful smile on his lips, hugged Jin Yuan without any explanation, stood up and walked towards the dragon couch in the inner hall.

Even though there were too many turmoil in his heart, Jin Yuan understood that he was lusting after her at this very moment.

It's late at night, everything is quiet outside, but in the inner hall, spring is like fire...

Clothes fell off, limbs entangled... This time, Jin Yuan didn't complain about Zhuo Yanchong's excessive physical strength, nor did she push him away.

Instead, she stretched out her arms around his back and took the initiative to meet him.

Time and time again, dripping with sweat, even though she was a little tired, she still hugged him tightly and refused to let go.

She was afraid... afraid that once she let go, he would never look back, hold her, or speak softly to her!

This time, he and she have loved each other so many times... Neither he nor she felt like it was enough, hugging each other and refusing to let go!

Zhuo Yanchong did not expect Xiao Yuan Bao'er to be so active this time, and it was precisely because of her initiative that he couldn't help but come again and again.What surprised him was that Xiao Yuan Bao'er didn't complain about back pain, but hugged him and refused to let go!
He saw her sadness and struggle from her eyes. What is she sad about?What are you struggling with?
Since he came back at night, he felt that Xiao Yuan Baoer was not in the right mood.Are you still thinking about monsters?
It wasn't until he took her to Sanqing Pool to take a bath and wash off her sweat, then stroked her soft long hair and asked softly: "Little Yuan Baoer, did something happen? I think you have been in a low mood ?”

Jin Yuan shook her body, stared blankly at Zhuo Yanchong for a while, then shook her head and smiled and asked: "Zhuo Bingshan, what do you think can happen?"

Zhuo Yanchong put down the towel, took a deep look at her, then lowered his head and kissed her eyelids, and said quietly: "Little Yuan Baoer, you have something on your mind, don't keep it from me..."

Jin Yuan was shocked again, then lowered her head and no longer looked into his eyes, and also covered the bitterness that flashed across her eyes.

How could she be fine? !But can she say it?Can she tell him that she has seen him and Luo Fei, or he and Lian Er recognize each other and embrace each other?

(End of this chapter)

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