The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 699 The Ruthless God of War 36

Chapter 699 The Ruthless God of War 36
After telling him, will he be forced to make a choice the next moment? !
She didn't want to force him, and she didn't want to force herself...

How could she force him to give up the woman who had lived and died with him before?
It turns out that after falling in love, she becomes timid...Because of love, she is afraid of facing his choice, afraid that he will tell her personally that the Lian Er he loves has returned, and the place beside him is reserved for Lian Er, not her!
Hearing that no one can replace Lian'er's position in his heart, she also wanted to try to let go!But when he showed her gentle eyes, she couldn't bear to let go!

She doesn't blame the sky or the ground... I can only blame her for meeting him too late!

"Zhuo Bingshan, if..."

Jin Yuan clenched the edge of her clothes tightly, and asked in a low voice: "If I met you earlier than Lian Er, then you...would it not be Lian Er who you fell in love with, but me?"

A flash of surprise flashed in Zhuo Yanchong's eyes, he lifted her chin, and smiled softly: "Little Yuan Baoer, why do you ask such a question all of a sudden?"

Jin Yuan looked at him obsessively, his own figure was still reflected in his eyes, but what about his heart?Does he have her figure in his heart?
His eyes were indeed gentle, gentle enough to make her intoxicated, but she also knew that it was just...just gentle!
Because she saw his complicated and sighing eyes in the lotus pond... At that time, she saw how deep his eyes were when he looked at Luo Fei who was holding Jiao Weiqin!

That kind of deep love is not hers!She didn't have it in the past, and in the future... she won't have it either!
Jin Yuan didn't know how long she had been looking at him before she slowly looked away, shook her head and said nonchalantly, "It's nothing, I'm just asking casually..."

She no longer expected his answer!
In fact, what he said to Luo Fei at the lotus pond in the afternoon was already his answer!
The Buddha said that there are eight sufferings in life: birth, old age, sickness, death, parting from love, long-term resentment, not being able to ask, not being able to let go... Chao Li, the national teacher, lost his mind in order to live forever, fearing the suffering of life and death!
After she became a fairy, life, old age, sickness and death were no longer related to her, but after she escaped from life and death, she only realized now... It turns out that the pain of parting from love and long-term resentment is more painful!

"Little Yuan Bao'er..." Looking at her forced smile, he felt deep pity in his heart. Apart from pity, there was also an inexplicable fear!
(End of this chapter)

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