Chapter 700
As the Pojun Xingjun, he would be afraid at this moment...

I'm afraid no one will believe it, but he is really afraid, because at this moment, little Yuan Bao'er looks a little far away!

It seemed that she was going to leave him the next moment!
He sighed softly, hugged her tightly in his arms, and said word by word: "I didn't answer, it's not that I don't want to answer, but I don't know the answer either!"

"Zhuo Bingshan..." Jin Yuan's eyes turned hot, and she buried herself in his arms and whispered, "I didn't mean to ask this question, I just... I just..."

"Stop talking, I understand!" Zhuo Yanchong stretched his fingers to cover her lips, his gaze became more gentle. "Little Yuan Baoer, you are you, she is her, you are unique, understand?"

Jin Yuan nodded sullenly.

He said she was unique... Isn't Lian'er unique? !
She was no longer stupid enough to ask him what was more important between her and Lian'er in his heart... Because no matter what the answer was, she couldn't see through his heart!
She asks for nothing!Whether it's Lian Er who died before, or Luo Fei who has recovered her memory now...

If Zhuo Bingshan is destined to be with the woman he has loved for thousands of years, what can she do?
She was just a little God of Wealth who made her debut halfway, and she just tied a red thread with him before he recovered his divine power, that's all!

The red thread can't bind his people, nor can he bind his heart!

No one can reverse the past...Even if Zhuo Bingshan chooses to be with the revived Lian Er, she shouldn't have any complaints!

Because she is the one who intervenes!

Is this the meaning of the arrangement of the God of Heaven?

Zhuo Bingshan said that the Emperor of Heaven didn't want him to be with Lian'er... That's why the Emperor of Heaven sent her to Zhuo Bingshan's side, wanting her to replace Lian'er in his heart!

But if the Heavenly Emperor really planned that, why did he let the reborn Lian'er appear?And why make her suffer so much?
She doesn't understand the intention of the Emperor of Heaven, but she loves Zhuo Bingshan and doesn't want to be a passer-by in his life!

Even if Zhuo Bingshan admits that no one can replace Lian Er in his heart, she still doesn't want to let go!Unless... unless one day, he will forget her!
"Zhuo Bingshan... Tell me, would we be together without Grandpa Yue's red line?" Jin Yuan asked foolishly as she leaned against Zhuo Yanchong, shaking her wrist.

(End of this chapter)

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