Chapter 701
"Little Yuan Bao'er, since you really love each other, it doesn't matter if it's tied with a red thread or not?" Zhuo Yanchong shook his head, and said while helping her long hair with a dumbfounded smile.

A gloomy look quickly flashed across Jin Yuan's eyes.

What he said is right... If you really love each other, what does it matter if there is no red line of the old age?
Just like him and Lian'er...they don't have a red line, even though they were separated thousands of years ago, she and Zhuo Bingshan can still meet and recognize each other!He would still sigh with emotion, and embrace Lian'er into his arms without hesitation!
Even if she saw Luo Fei's Jiao Weiqin and thought of Lian Er's Jiao Weiqin but didn't tell Zhuo Bingshan, he would still recognize her!
Another example is herself and Zhuo Bingshan... so what if there is a red line?

He is in love with her body, wanting her again and again... But he won't bury her deep in his heart!
She finally understood why she couldn't read what was going on in his heart!Because he never gave her a chance to read it!
Because his heart always belonged to that woman named Lian Er, never belonged to her!
"Zhuo Bingshan, have you ever regretted it?" Jin Yuan sat up straight from his arms, reached out to caress his handsome face, and asked quietly.

Zhuo Yanchong raised his eyebrows puzzled: "What do you regret?"

" me, the little God of Wealth who became immortal halfway!" Jin Yuan shrugged and smiled self-deprecatingly.

Seeing that he was about to interrupt her, she shook her head and covered his mouth, and continued on her own: "I have a bad memory, and I don't have any talents. Any fairy in the heavens is better than me. Even mortal women can play piano, chess, calligraphy, and painting, but I can learn nothing! Just like those ministers questioned that I am not qualified to be a queen... Leaving aside this mortal status, even in heaven, I still have no qualifications to be your wife... "

"Little Yuan Baoer, although you are the least talented little God of Wealth I have ever seen... But I want to tell you that I never regret meeting you, let alone owning you!"

Zhuo Yanchong moved away her little hand covering his lips, hugged her waist, and spoke slowly and solemnly.

Jin Yuan's body trembled slightly.Enough, his words are enough...

It's not that he doesn't have her in his heart... He can only blame the Emperor of Heaven for making a big joke on them!

"Zhuo Bingshan, I never regret falling in love with you!"

She sighed deeply, and hugged his shoulders, a thin layer of wet mist rose from her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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