Chapter 708
There is heaviness, worry, and bitterness...

Even if she and him were to be separated for a while, she still didn't have the courage to ask about his decision and Lian'er!
"You guys are really sweet before parting, so sweet, I'd better not bother you..."

Ming Ye quietly watched him and her embrace each other for a while, then shook his head and sighed, then turned around and left without disturbing their last tenderness.

Zhuo Yanchong stopped him, and threw him a few words of warning: "Ming Ye...Although you are with Xiao Yuan Bao'er this time, don't think that you can use this opportunity to get close to Xiao Yuan Bao'er! You must not Trick little Yuan Baoer, otherwise... I will never let you down!"

Ming Ye waved his hand, made a "I know" gesture, then turned around and left without looking back.

It's just that neither Zhuo Yanchong nor Jin Yuan saw it. The moment he turned around, a complex light flashed in his eyes.

He is a Gu demon without emotions and desires, he is used to talking cynically, and has teased the little God of Wealth many times...

But for some reason, seeing the sweet embrace of Little God of Wealth and Po Jun, his eyes were still stinging!
He touched his chest, still feeling a little dull pain.Is it caused by the aftereffects of being hit by Po Jun's power just now, or is it because he...has begun to fall in love?
"Hey... It seems that I, a loner, was stimulated by them!"

Ming Ye caressed her chest, shook her head to throw away the strange feeling in her heart, and said thoughtfully: "Maybe... I should find someone to experience the taste of love!"

Before he finished speaking, a Gu worm jumped out from his palm, jumped onto his shoulder again, and rubbed his face with its tentacles, as if expressing dissatisfaction with his statement.

"Xiao Huan..." Ming Ye touched the head of Joyful Gu, and sighed softly, "No one would dare to accompany me for a Gu monster like me! Those who accompany me...are destined to Only you!"

How lucky Po Jun Xing Jun is to get a sincere heart from the Little God of Wealth...

If he also meets a kind-hearted woman who is a bit confused like a little God of Wealth, he will hold on tightly and never let go!
Because I have never felt the emotions and desires, I am actually very lonely!
Seeing that it was still early, Ming Ye decided to go out of the palace and go to Luoyunfang to explain.

PS: I like Ming Ye more and more, and I want to find him a fun beauty to match, I don’t know what you guys think...

(End of this chapter)

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