Chapter 709
Without him, Luoyunfang has been hidden in people's sight, and no one can find the trace of this boat!
He walked to Luoyunfang, snapped his fingers, and all the little demons headed by Chu Yi appeared together, looked at Ming Ye with joy and said, "Master, are you back?"

Ming Ye nodded, and said lightly: "This time, I will conquer the Wuyue Clan in person on behalf of Pojun I come to say goodbye to you! Although people outside can't see Luoyunfang, but now that the monsters are causing trouble, you also have to Be more careful!"

Hearing that the master is going to personally conquer the Wuyue Clan, many little demons were taken aback, and asked in surprise: "Master, you... When did you and Pojun Xingjun become friends? Why did you go out on behalf of him?"

"Po Jun and I are not friends..." Ming Ye shook his head and smiled lightly.He and Pojun Xingjun are indeed not friends...

The reason why he took the initiative to help this time, besides wanting to see the confrontation between Po Jun and the demons with his own eyes, and helping the first day of the junior high school, maybe it was for the little God of Wealth!

If the little God of Wealth hadn't asked him for help that day, he probably wouldn't have taken the initiative to go out on behalf of Po Jun!
"But master, this Wuyue tribe is extremely weird, you have to go out rashly... just in case, in case you encounter any danger..."

There was still a little demon who said hesitantly, looking at Ming Ye eagerly, worried and reluctant!
"Although the Wuyue clan is weird, your master is a Gu monster!"

Ming Ye blinked, walked to the side of many little monsters, patted their shoulders and smiled to comfort them: "Don't worry, I'm not that easy to deal with... What's more, I'm just temporarily replacing Pojun Xingjun, Once he finds the Demon Subduing Sword, I will retire!"

"Master is so powerful, no matter what happens, he can save the day!"

A little snake demon who usually worships Ming Ye said with a smile.

The other little monsters also nodded... Master is indeed very powerful. In the entire monster clan, they have never seen a monster more powerful than Master!

Of course, monsters are excluded!

They have never seen a demon, but only heard it mentioned by their master.What's more, it has become a demon and has hurt many Yaozu people, so it doesn't belong to Yaozu at all!

Ming Ye knocked on the head of the little snake demon, and smiled noncommittally.

Of course there are dangers... But the danger of this trip is worth it if you can see the battle between the broken army and the demons!
(End of this chapter)

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