Chapter 711
After seeing Ming Ye and Chuyi leaving together, the little demons glanced at each other, and one of the snake demons whispered: "Tomorrow morning is the day when the master leaves, let's go see the master off together!"

The other little monsters nodded and expressed their agreement.

On the second day, the sky was high and the air was clear. As the Minister of the Ministry of Officials said, it was suitable for traveling, and it was a good day for an expedition!
It was an extremely important day for the emperor to lead his troops to march in person. All the ministers stayed outside the palace early, just waiting for the emperor to come out.

However, when Zhuo Yanchong and Jin Yuan appeared together in front of the ministers, the ministers were all stunned.

They were not shocked by Zhuo Yanchong's majesty, nor were they surprised that the queen would also accompany the army, but this time the imperial conquest, the emperor did not bring a million troops, but only a team of elite soldiers!
"Your majesty, you are..." The prime minister looked at the group of elite soldiers, stood up and said boldly, "Why did the emperor only bring a group of elite soldiers this time?"

Zhuo Yan said calmly: "A team of elite soldiers is enough!"

"But the journey is long this time, the emperor should bring more soldiers!" Seeing the prime minister speak, other ministers also said.

"Yes, Your Majesty, how can you only bring a team of elite soldiers this time?"

Jin Yuan glanced at Zhuo Yanchong who had an unmoved expression, and knew that he had actually arranged everything a long time ago, and she was not as worried as yesterday.

The Wuyue Clan is far away in the Western Regions, and the more soldiers they bring with them, the more they delay their trip!

What's more, those soldiers are just mortals, how can they deal with demons with their mortal bodies alone? !
There will definitely be a lot of trouble along the way, and the more people you bring along, the more casualties will inevitably be...

Zhuo Bingshan's decision was actually to prevent innocent mortals from being sent to death!

Zhuo Yanchong waved his hand, not letting the ministers continue to dissuade him, and said in a deep voice: "The Wuyue tribe is not other small countries in the Western there is no need to lead a large army to suppress it! I have made up my mind, Changsun Yan, this team of elite soldiers will be You lead and obey your orders!"

The eldest grandson Yan, who was wearing a military uniform, clasped his fists, nodded meticulously and replied: "The final general will obey the order!"

At the same time, Luo Hen with a dignified expression appeared in front of everyone.Luo Hen was the emperor's bodyguard, so there was nothing wrong with following the emperor's personal conquest...

It's just the little boy next to Mr. Luohen, so what's going on?

(End of this chapter)

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