Chapter 712
This day is the emperor's personal conquest, not a joke... Why did Mr. Luohen bring a little boy with him? !

Jin Yuan also saw the gray hair beside Luo Hen, after a brief surprise, she waved to the gray hair, and asked with a secret sound technique that others could not hear: "Little Hui, why are you here to join in the fun?"

Hui Mao curled his lips, pointed to Luo Hen beside him, and said nonchalantly: "You all have to go to the Wuyue Clan. It's so boring for me to stay here alone, so I want to go too!"

Jin Yuan shook her head amusedly: "Do you think we are going on a trip? This time we are going on an expedition... The Wuyue Clan is controlled by demons, so it is bound to be difficult to deal with!"

"Of course I know...that's why I'm here, I can also wish you a helping hand!" Gray-haired patted his chest seriously and emphasized.

Jin Yuan glanced at Luo Hen who was looking awe-inspiring next to Huimao, and smiled lowly: "Little Hui, I think you are worried about Luo Hen!"

No matter how powerful Luo Hen was, he was only a mortal body, so how could he defeat demons and spirit bodies?

The same is true for Changsun Yan... But they are all the most powerful assistants and ministers around Zhuo Bingshan, and Zhuo Bingshan will personally conquer them, and they will definitely follow closely!

It's just that they still don't know that the main general this time is not Zhuo Bingshan, but Ming Ye who has hidden his body!
Ming Ye was standing not far away. Unlike the serious expressions of other ministers who were about to send the empress to the expedition, he kept crossing his arms and looking at this side with a loose expression.

It was as if I had never worried about anything!
The only ones who can see Ming Ye are Zhuo Yanchong, Jin Yuan and Huimao!

Jin Yuan's eyes fell on Ming Ye who was not far away, she nodded and smiled at him, then moved her eyes away again, looked at the ministers and people who were seeing off in front of her again, and said slowly: "The time, place and people are right for this expedition. There is nothing you don't have to worry, and you don't have to send it away! This trip to quell the chaos of the Wuyue Clan...we will not let you down!"

Although Jin Yuan's voice was flat, but an unquestionable and firm tone reached everyone's ears, everyone couldn't help but bowed in awe and said in unison: "The Lord Blessed has returned in triumph—"

The voice is respectful and orderly enough to inspire everyone's morale.

At this moment, everyone forgot that Zhuo Yanchong went out with only a team of elite soldiers, but they only had a belief in their hearts that the emperor would surely return in triumph!
Perhaps it was because Jin Yuan's words had an effect, or maybe it was because of seeing Zhuo Yanchong's majestic figure!
(End of this chapter)

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