Chapter 713
Jin Yuan looked at the mighty ministers and common people, turned her head and smiled at Zhuo Yan, and held his hand firmly.It's just that the moment Jin Yuan left the palace with him, Jin Yuan saw the corner of the skirt flashing past, and then Luo Fei's face came into her eyes.

Luo Fei, just stood so far away, watching them leave for the expedition with dazed eyes.

Jin Yuan didn't understand why Concubine Luo didn't choose to go with Zhuo Bingshan... Maybe Zhuo Bingshan didn't let her go!
After all, Zhuo Bingshan lost Lian'er once... At that time, it was also a battle between immortals and demons. Zhuo Bingshan had no time to take care of Lian'er, so he regretted it and blamed himself!

She knew that he absolutely couldn't bear the heartache of losing Lian'er again!
It was precisely because she couldn't bear it that Luo Fei, who finally recovered her memory, stayed in the palace!After all, it's not her that the monster wants to deal with... Whether it's following Zhuo Bingshan to find the Fumo Sword, or going to the Wuyue Clan, there are unknown dangers!
Jin Yuan guessed so, and sighed again in her heart, and couldn't help letting go of Zhuo Yanchong's hand.

Luo Fei's eyes are so infatuated and persistent, how could she be able to stop that kind of love for thousands of years?

"Zhuo Bingshan, don't you...don't say goodbye to Concubine Luo?"

Jin Yuan said in a low voice, and looked at Luo Fei again, her voice was slightly dry.

Zhuo Yanchong shook his head, and said lightly: "She knows about my going to war, so there's no need..."

There is no need to say goodbye... It seems that the spiritual communication between Zhuo Bingshan and his Lian'er has reached a level beyond her reach!Needless to say, they understood what the other was thinking!
And her?She is destined to be just an outsider!

Zhuo Yanchong turned his back to Concubine Luo, and he didn't notice Concubine Luo who was not far away was looking at him. Seeing that Jin Yuan was far away from him, he held her hand again.

Jin Yuan's body trembled, she felt that Zhuo Yanchong was holding her tightly, and she couldn't break free.She subconsciously looked in Luo Fei's direction again, but she didn't see Luo Fei's figure, she must have left.

Maybe it's because he can't bear to part with Zhuo Bingshan, maybe... he doesn't want to see Zhuo Bingshan with her!

Seeing the one he loves and being with others makes no one feel good!Jin Yuan wanted to say something, but Zhuo Yanchong spoke slowly, interrupting her thoughts.

"The time has come, let's go—"

"Congratulations to the emperor and queen—"

(End of this chapter)

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