Chapter 724 Expedition 5
Supporting each other and backing up a few steps, they said in a trembling voice, "If... if you want to stay in the hotel by force, we will have to report to the authorities!"

Jin Yuan turned her head and winked at Changsun Yan. Changsun Yan understood and snapped her fingers quickly to make the elite soldiers take back their swords.

Ming Ye, who was at the side, was originally just a bystander. Seeing this situation, he didn't think it was funny, so he said slowly: "Shopkeeper, you said you reported to the official, but where did you report to the official?"

"Of course...of course it's our magistrate here!"

The old shopkeeper replied stammeringly, seeing Shang Mingye's half-smiling gaze, for some reason, his heart shrank slightly.

"We don't steal or rob, why should we report to the magistrate?"

Ming Ye crossed his arms and asked a funny question, pointed to Jin Yuan and the people behind him, and said quietly: "You can see who we are by looking at our clothes! Besides, all your guests just now have left. , only us are left... If we are not allowed to stay in the hotel, should we just leave this place empty?"

The old shopkeeper was dizzy from what Ming Ye said, and was about to nod, when the guy next to him angrily accused: "You have the nerve to say that! If the mouse you brought just now couldn't talk, how could it scare us away?" the guest officer?"

Ming Ye shrugged, turned his head and raised eyebrows at Jin Yuan and the others and asked, "Did you hear the mouse talk just now?"

Jin Yuan smiled secretly and shook her head.

Luo Hen, Changsun Yan and others also understood what his eyes meant, and they all shook their heads and said, "I didn't hear that!"

"That's it……"

Ming Ye cast his eyes on the old shopkeeper and the store clerk again, and said with a smile: "They didn't hear it, old shopkeeper, you didn't hear it either... So the store clerk just heard it wrong!"

"This... this..." The old shopkeeper subconsciously looked at the guys around him, not knowing how to answer.

The shop clerk wanted to argue, but raised his head to meet Shang Mingye's bewildered eyes, and couldn't help hesitating.

"We are only staying for one night... If the old shopkeeper is worried about money, don't worry, we will definitely not lose money!"

After Ming Ye finished speaking, she turned her head and smiled at Jin Yuan, who hurriedly took out a golden ingot from her sleeve.

"Old shopkeeper, you take it first, and we will give you money when we leave tomorrow!" Ming Ye said with a smile.

With the gold ingot in hand, the old shopkeeper's eyes lit up.

(End of this chapter)

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