Chapter 725 Expedition 6
He weighed the gold ingot with a smile on his face, no longer caring about the ones just now, and nodded repeatedly: "Of course... of course!"

"Very good, then let the old shopkeeper arrange the best room!"

Hearing the words, Ming Ye nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile.

The old shopkeeper who took the gold ingots hurriedly responded, and the shop assistant at the side was still a little hesitant. He took the old shopkeeper's arm and said in a low voice: "Shopkeeper, although they are generous, what if they are dangerous people? manage?"

The old shopkeeper quietly looked at Ming Ye and Jin Yuan, thought for a moment, shook his head and replied: "It seems that they are all from rich families, so they shouldn't be some dangerous people?"

"But..." The shop assistant couldn't help but shudder when he thought of the inexplicable mouse just now.

It is said that he got it wrong, but he knows that he will never get it wrong!
That mouse clearly spoke!

It's just that I don't know where the mouse went, otherwise he would definitely find it out and let everyone present listen to it!
"Did I hear correctly just now, who do you say is a dangerous person?"

Ming Ye suddenly approached the old shopkeeper and shop assistant who were whispering, with a look of displeasure in his eyes.

"Hehe, young master, we didn't mention you..."

The old shopkeeper waved his hands again and again, explained something with a smirk, patted the shop assistant on the head again, and made a gesture of "please".

Ming Ye nodded, and at the same time going upstairs, he patted the shoulders of the old shopkeeper and the shop assistant, and whispered in their ears: "You just said that the matter which official it is, it is not as old as us, do you understand?"

Of course he wasn't exaggerating, since he went out on behalf of Po Jun, he also took his place for the time being!

And the little God of Wealth is the queen... Aren't they bigger than all the magistrates? !

He slapped the old shopkeeper and the shop assistant, and they were shocked all over. They hurriedly nodded obediently and said yes, not daring to question them any more.

After the confession was finished, the old shopkeeper went down first, and the shop assistant also went to prepare hot water. Before he left, he seemed to see the talking mouse again, looking around from the sleeve of the well-behaved girl.

He rubbed his eyes and took a closer look, but he didn't see anything... Could it be that he was wrong?

"What are you looking at here? Why don't you go down and prepare hot water?"

(End of this chapter)

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