Chapter 731 Expedition 12
After the mandrill finished laughing, he sighed again, and finally staggered away.

Jin Yuan looked at the panicked figure of him leaving, and wanted to call him to stop, but she didn't expect him to turn around suddenly and glance at her.

What he looked at was not Lian'er, but her!
Her and his eyes met, and they were still those deep eyes, with complicated dazzle flowing in them, which attracted her deeply and made her unable to move her eyes away.

She didn't know how long she stared at him, and his words kept echoing in her ears.

You will regret it... you will...

That sentence was once said to her by the demon in the burnt Concubine Chen's Palace!At that time, she couldn't figure it out...why the monster would say she regretted it, and now, she couldn't figure it out even more!

Because she heard clearly, Lian Er called the man with the hole flute, and called the mandrill...

Zhuo Bingshan also told her that the monster was once a mandrill!

The mandrill and the demon are the same, and the mandrill also said the same sentence to Lian'er: "You will regret it, you will!"

Isn't Concubine Luo the reincarnated Lian'er?Why didn't the monster come to Luo Fei, but to find her and say such a word?

What kind of story is there between Lian Er and the demons of the past?
Jin Yuan didn't know how long she stood there, until the mandrill disappeared, and Lian Er also disappeared, and the scene in front of her eyes changed again.

There is no sunshine, no singing of birds and flowers, nothing but an endless darkness.

The mandrill's words were still echoing in her ears, hitting her heart every sentence. She covered her ears desperately, but she couldn't stop the words.

"One day, you will regret it... All your sacrifices, in the eyes of others, are just a joke, hahahaha..."

"'s not like that..."

Jin Yuan's heart began to frantically shake her head, trying to get rid of the mandrill's voice, but the more she tried to get rid of it, the more her head hurt, and the pain was almost torn apart.

"Gu... Miss? Why are you standing here in the middle of the night?"

Someone's voice came to her ears, driving away the sneer of the mandrill, Jin Yuan's body shook suddenly, she seemed to wake up, she slowly opened her eyes, and saw the old shopkeeper walking by with a candle light on. in front of her.

"This is?"

Jin Yuan rubbed her eyes, and looked at the old shopkeeper with the candle lamp in a daze, not knowing the situation for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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