Chapter 732 Expedition 13
"Could it be that the girl is sleepwalking?"

The old shopkeeper put down the candle lamp, asked with a smile, and said in a rambling manner: "When I came back from the night, I found you standing here, Miss, don't you remember?"

Jin Yuan shook her head and looked at the flickering candle, then looked outside, it was still late at night, why did she feel that it had been a long time?

Was what she saw just now a dream, or what?
Seeing her silent appearance, the old shopkeeper waved his hand in front of her, and asked worriedly, "Girl, are you okay?"

Jin Yuan shook her head and smiled as if nothing had happened, and replied lightly: "It's nothing, I suddenly had a nightmare, so I came down and took a walk, trying to catch my breath..."

"So that's how it is..."

The old shopkeeper nodded, heaved a sigh of relief, yawned again, and said sleepily: "Then I'll go to sleep first, girl, I will leave this candle lamp to you, it's cold and dew heavy, girl be careful to catch a cold!"

"Thank you, shopkeeper..." Jin Yuan nodded her thanks, and only after watching the old shopkeeper leave, did she think about what happened just now.

Lian'er and the mandrill's flute ensemble, as well as those scenes, all happened before her eyes...

If it was just a dream, why did she not wake up in her own room, but in the main hall of the inn?
If it wasn't a dream, why did she wake up like a dream, and when she opened her eyes, those scenes disappeared?

With a low sigh, she was about to go upstairs to her room when a gust of cool wind blew out the candles on the table.

The casual cold breath seemed to come from behind, and gradually surrounded her, making her shiver uncontrollably.

"who is it?"

Jin Yuan sensed that someone was behind her, turned around and yelled, but no one answered.

She stretched out her hand and waved lightly at the blown out candle, and the candle was lit again.

Then she looked around and saw no one, as if the cold breath just now was just her illusion.

"Alas..." A low sigh entered her ears again.

Jin Yuan followed the prestige and saw a black shadow flashing quickly in the corner of the inn.

She waved her sleeves and struck at the black shadow, only to hear a "meow—" and the black shadow hurried away.

It turned out to be a black cat!
Jin Yuan shook her head, it seemed that she was still immersed in the scenes she saw just now... her spirit was too tense!

It's still early, she'd better go back and take a nap for a while!
(End of this chapter)

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