Chapter 733 Expedition 14
With a wave of her sleeves, she extinguished the candle lamp on the table, and she went upstairs, but the icy breath hit her again as the candle was extinguished, and it was so close to her body that she felt that the breath was on her body. ear.

She froze, but she didn't stop her pace. Instead, she accelerated her pace upstairs, and the icy breath followed her like a shadow, as if it was still blowing a low breath in her ear.

She walked to the door of her room, and found that the cold breath hadn't left her, and finally turned around, trying to grab the thing hidden in the dark, but stretched out her hand, but found nothing.

She frowned, shook her head and pushed open the door of her own room.

"Squeak—" the door opened, and a figure came into her eyes.


Jin Yuan called out vigilantly, walked quickly into the room, only to find that the person sitting in her room was Ming Ye.

"Little God of Wealth..."

Ming Ye waved his hand to greet her, but looked straight behind her, with a weird look on his face.

Jin Yuan was restless and didn't notice Ming Ye's strange eyes, but asked suspiciously as she walked: "Ming Ye, what are you doing in my room if you don't sleep in the middle of the night?"

Ming Ye shrugged and said casually: "Little God of Wealth, I'm a Gu Yao... It's hard to fall asleep, I'm free, so I came to you!"

Speaking of this, Ming Ye folded his arms around his chest, raised his eyebrows and asked back: "But I didn't find you in your room until I got to your room. It's so late, little God of Wealth, where have you been?"

Jin Yuan went to the table and poured herself a cup of tea, drank it down again, and then felt a little calmer in her heart, shook her head and replied helplessly: "I don't understand what's going on... I remember that I was clearly I fell asleep, and maybe I had a long dream! But when I woke up, I was not in my room, but in the main hall of the inn, and I met the old shopkeeper who woke up at night!"

Seeing her confused appearance, the old shopkeeper laughed at whether she had sleepwalking...

She is a fairy, how could she have such somnambulism? !
"Little God of Wealth, are you sure it's a dream?" Ming Ye frowned slightly and looked at her suspiciously.

Jin Yuan put down her teacup, shrugged blankly and replied, "I can't tell... I just feel confused. If the old shopkeeper hadn't called me to stop me, maybe I would still be trapped in a dream!"

Ming Ye looked at her silently for a long while, but did not speak.

(End of this chapter)

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