Chapter 734 Expedition 15
Jin Yuan's hairs stood on end when he saw him, she patted him and asked, "Ming Ye, why are you looking at me like that?"

Ming Ye pursed her lips and let out a low laugh, then suddenly put her hand on her shoulder, and whispered in her ear, "I'm not looking at you..."

"Then what are you looking at?" Jin Yuan glared at him.

"Behind you..." Ming Ye looked directly behind Jin Yuan, and said faintly, "There is something..."

Jin Yuan was shaken by what he said. She really felt that something cold was following her like a shadow, but she couldn't see what it was!

"What do you see?"

Jin Yuan was startled by his weird expression, and was about to turn her head to look, but he grabbed her shoulders tightly to stop her from turning her head.

"It's nothing..." Ming Ye stared at Jin Yuan's back for a while, then shook his head and said with a smile: "It seems to be my illusion!"

Jin Yuan became more and more puzzled, and asked in surprise, "How could you have the illusion?"

Only then did Ming Ye let go of the hand on Jin Yuan's shoulder, looked around the room, and asked quietly, "Little God of Wealth, you said you went downstairs just now?"

Jin Yuan nodded and asked back: "If I didn't go downstairs, how could I be in the lobby of the inn?"

It's just that when she recalled the scene that seemed like a dream but not a dream, she felt a splitting headache.

Ming Ye thought for a moment, then murmured in a low voice: "This inn is a bit weird... You said you met the old shopkeeper at night, if he saw you wandering outside late at night, his first reaction should not be concern, but frightened !"

Jin Yuan also thought it was reasonable, she was like a wandering soul just now, but the old shopkeeper was able to wake her up...

Although the candle was flickering, she couldn't see his expression clearly, but she could feel that he was calm and composed!
"Mingye, I also thought I was dreaming, but this time the dream was quite different from the previous one..."

Jin Yuan sighed and said, unconsciously stroking the moon stone in her bosom again, only by stroking that moon stone can her heart calm down.

"That time I dreamed of Po Jun thousands of years ago... Later Zhuo Bingshan said that it was a monster beguiling me! But this time... I dreamed of a mandrill, which is now a monster!"

"What did you dream about the demon?" Ming Ye asked with a frown.

Jin Yuan smiled blankly at him, and frowned slightly: "I can't tell... I seem to have dreamed of the scene before the mandrill became a monster! They played the piano and flute together, and it looked very harmonious, as if..."

(End of this chapter)

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