Chapter 735 Expedition 16
She stopped here.She didn't seem surprised at the harmonious coexistence of Mandrill and Lian'er...

They are so harmonious together, so harmonious that they seem to break the army, they are the outsiders!

Because of this, she didn't understand...Zhuo Bingshan once said that Lian'er and Shandrill were friends, but he didn't tell the story of their past!
She never asked him more about Lian'er, because Lian'er was a scar in Zhuo Bingshan's heart and a thorn in her heart!

Subconsciously, she always wanted to avoid Lian'er... It seemed that only in this way could she pretend that she was Zhuo Bingshan's true love!

But it wasn't until she found out that Luo Fei's jiaoweiqin belonged to Lian Er, until she heard Zhuo Bingshan's words, and saw Zhuo Bingshan's obsessed eyes, that she realized that while she was running away, she was also deceiving herself!

Now that Zhuo Bingshan is not around, she can't ask him about those past events, but she has a faint premonition that those scenes are not all false illusions!
She once thought that those dreams were the dead Lian'er trying to tell her something... But now that Lian'er is reborn as Concubine Luo, it has nothing to do with Lian'er!

Or, what did the mandrill before becoming a monster want to tell her?
She is getting more and more confused!
What happened to them? Seeing that she fell silent suddenly, Ming Ye asked with concern, her eyes undiminished worry. "Who else are you talking about except monsters?" "

"It's... Zhuo Bingshan... the woman Po Jun once loved!" Jin Yuan shook her head and gave him a faint smile, a look of sadness flashed in her eyes.

Others, including Ming Ye, probably didn't know about Lian'er's existence!

"The woman that Po Jun once loved?" Ming Ye was even more puzzled, he had never heard of which woman Po Jun fell in love with!But a thousand years ago, his cultivation base was still too low, and he had always been indifferent to those things in the heavens!
It was only now that he saw the bewildered expression of the little God of Wealth, and he realized that there might be something hidden in it!
If there is someone you love before breaking the army, what about the little God of Wealth?Where did he put the little God of Wealth? !

"Little God of Wealth, Po Jun..." Seeing her forced smile, Ming Ye twitched in his heart, patted her on the shoulder, and said in a hesitant voice, "What are you and him..."

"Ming Ye, forgive me, I promised Zhuo Bingshan not to talk about the past..."

It's not that she doesn't want to tell Ming Ye, it's just that she promised Zhuo Bingshan not to mention Lian'er again!

(End of this chapter)

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