Chapter 736 Expedition 17
Jin Yuan took a deep breath, raised her head and smiled at Ming Ye, and said nonchalantly, "It's just that I don't understand how the mandrill became a demon!"

"The mandrill became a demon, but it was driven by ambition. What else could be the reason?"

Ming Ye sneered and said lightly.

"But there may be something hidden in it..."

Jin Yuan was still puzzled.

"Little God of Wealth, no amount of hidden information can cover up the fact that he once killed many creatures!"

Ming Ye pressed her shoulders and said seriously: "You must understand this! Even if he has something to hide, so what? Those innocent people, as well as the brothers and sisters in the first grade of junior high school, were sucked away by him. Primordial souls cannot be changed or erased!"

Jin Yuan's body shook, she was stunned for a while, then she shook her head and laughed at herself: "Ming Ye, you are right...I almost overlooked this point..."

"So Pojun said before that you were bewitched by a demon, it wasn't a lie..."

Ming Ye let go of his hand, rested his chin and muttered: "You said you don't remember what happened just now, and you don't remember how you left the room. In my opinion, I'm afraid it's a demon again!"

"But what is the purpose of the demons using illusions to confuse me again and again?" Jin Yuan asked in bewilderment.

"Maybe it's to take advantage of you..." Thinking of this, Ming Ye smiled faintly.

"Using me for what?" Jin Yuan became more and more confused when she saw his strange smile.

"Use you... to get rid of Pojun!"


Jin Yuan turned pale with shock, and unknowingly grabbed the moon stone in her purse, her palms sweating slightly.

"How could the monster think of using me to get rid of Zhuo Bingshan?"

"Think about it, since you are the closest person to Po Jun, you are also Po Jun's only weakness! The demons use you to deal with Po Jun, it's perfect..."

When Ming Ye said this, he leaned into her ear and added with a smile: "What's more, monsters are good at deceiving minds. If they confuse you and ask you to kill Po Jun, Po Jun will never do anything to you no matter what! When the time comes, won't the demon's intentions be fulfilled?"

Hearing this, Jin Yuan gave him an annoyed push, and said angrily, "A monster wouldn't do this, and if one day I was really used by a monster, I would never deal with Zhuo Bingshan!"

What's more, if the monster really plans to do so, what's going on with those phantoms?

(End of this chapter)

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