Chapter 738 Expedition 19
Ming Ye came back to his senses and realized that he hugged her too tightly. He didn't want to reveal too much of his emotions, so he let go of his hand with a low laugh and said, "If you sacrifice yourself, Po Jun will definitely be overly sad, I'm afraid you will fight But monsters! You shouldn’t think so for the sake of breaking the army!”

Jin Yuan shook her body, looked quietly at Ming Ye for a long time, nodded and sighed, "You're right... If I just sacrificed like this, wouldn't the monster get what it wanted?"

Zhuo Bingshan had lost Lian'er before, and she also knew that Lian'er's death had dealt a great blow to him!
And her status in Zhuo Bingshan's heart, although she will never be as high as Lian'er, if she really dies in front of him, she will definitely hurt him too!

The scar he just healed may also be uncovered bloody again!

She can't imagine the consequences like that!

Ming Ye looked at her worried look, and wanted to stretch and caress her hair, but just raised her hand, then put it down again, comforting her with a smile: "Little God of Wealth, don't think too much... even if the demon I really want to start from you, and there may not be no place to turn around! The monster is trying to confuse you, at worst, you can play a show and pretend that you are bewitched!"

Jin Yuan was still in a state of confusion, but when she heard Ming Ye's words, her eyes lit up suddenly, she nodded and said excitedly: "Ming Ye, your idea is good... If I pretend to be deceived, I can see what the monster is really like. If you want to do something, maybe you will know how to deal with demons!"

Seeing her suddenly excited appearance, Ming Ye raised the corners of her lips slightly, smiled and nodded in agreement.

However, only he himself knew that there was a slight bitterness in his smile.Because of the distress of the little god of wealth, the excitement of the little god of wealth is just to break the army alone!
"Little God of Wealth, it's still early, you have to hurry tomorrow, you should rest for a while..." Ming Ye patted her on the shoulder, and turned to leave her room.

Jin Yuan nodded: "You should rest too!"

Ming Ye smiled noncommittally, and did not forget to close the door for her before leaving.Seeing Ming Ye leave, Jin Yuan shrugged and prepared to lie back on the bed to rest.

It's just that when she closed her eyes, the cold breath that had just disappeared struck again.

She even felt that there was a pair of eyes in the dark, looking at her faintly.

She couldn't help being horrified, opened her eyes and lit the candle in the room.

The windows were closed tightly, and the candlelight did not flicker at all, but the cold feeling became more and more clear.

(End of this chapter)

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