Chapter 739 Expedition 20
In the dark night, it seemed as if a pair of cold hands were slowly caressing her face.

Could it be the ghost family?
Jin Yuan opened her eyes wide, and formed a golden gang seal on the palm of her hand, forming an enchantment in the room.

The golden light from the palm of the hand illuminated the whole room, but in the huge room, except for her breathing, there was no other movement!
Is there something wrong with this inn, or is a demon behind it?

She couldn't help but think of Ming Ye's weird look at her just now. At that time, Ming Ye wouldn't let her turn around. Could it be that some ghost really followed her?

Puzzled, Jin Yuan got up and took out the moon stone from her bosom, and opened the window again.The moonlight spilled into the room through the window lattice, and under the bath of moonlight, the moon stone began to shine brightly.

The Chongming Bird is in the Moon Stone, she didn't mean to disturb him, but Zejing A Li once told her that as long as she holds the Moon Stone and shines in the moonlight, all ghosts and monsters can be driven away!
Sure enough, just as she picked up the glowing moon stone, she heard something scream, and then a group of black shadows quickly pulled away from her and flew out of the window!

The cold touch also disappeared.

It seems that it is really a ghost... Jin Yuan shrugged and smiled, put the moon stone in her arms, blew out the candle, and lay back down again.

Just before falling asleep, a few cock crows came from outside the window.Only then did she realize that the night had passed so quickly.

Mandrill, Lian'er...and those chaotic illusions that seemed like dreams but not dreams, had already messed up her mind!

Although what Ming Ye said made sense, she couldn't hold back her curiosity and wanted to find out everything about the past...

He even wanted to find out when the mandrill became a monster!

She slowly closed her eyes, preparing to take a nap, but just as she felt a little sleepy, there were a few screams from downstairs in the inn, followed by the sound of chaotic footsteps.

"Help...the dead..."

The scream sounded like that of the old shopkeeper, the voice was full of panic and fear, as if he had seen some terrible scene!

Jin Yuan hurriedly opened her eyes and jumped off the bed. Just as she opened the door, she saw Changsun Yan, Luo Hen and others also rushing out of the room.

Their first reaction was not to go downstairs, but to find Jin Yuan.

"Queen, are you alright?" Changsun Yan and Luo Hen asked in unison, looking a little nervous.

(End of this chapter)

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