Chapter 740 Expedition 21
Seeing that Jin Yuan was safe and sound, they breathed a sigh of relief.

Jin Yuan waved her hand and pointed to the downstairs in doubt: "I'm fine, I just heard the old shopkeeper screaming downstairs..."

Changsun Yan and Luo Hen looked at each other, nodded and said, "We all heard that too!"

"Let's go down and have a look..."

After Jin Yuan finished speaking, she quickly went downstairs, Changsun Yan Luohen and other elite soldiers also followed Jin Yuan downstairs.

It was just dawn, and the inn hadn't opened yet. In the lobby, only the old shopkeeper was sitting there, weeping and sighing.

"Old shopkeeper, we all heard a scream just now, what happened?"

Jin Yuan walked up to the old shopkeeper and asked with concern.

The old shopkeeper shook his head and remained silent for a long while, then raised his head and said to Jin Yuan: "Girl, this is really a sudden disaster... In the past, before dawn, my buddy would feed the horses, clean and cook, but this morning when I got up, I found it strange that the horses hadn’t been fed and the floor hadn’t been swept, so I went to look for him in the room, but it turned out…”

Speaking of this, the old shopkeeper began to turn pale and his teeth chattered.

"What's the result?" Zhang Sunyan couldn't help frowning and asked.

"In the end... In the end, my buddy was foaming at the mouth, his face was blue, and his eyes were wide open, dead on the bed! He stretched out his arms, as if he wanted to ask someone for help, but, but..."

The old shopkeeper shook his head and covered his face, because he was too terrified and sad to speak.

Jin Yuan also frowned slightly, how could the well-behaved shop assistant die?
"Old shopkeeper, if you don't mind, can we take a look at the shop assistant's body?" Luo Hen took another step forward and asked the old shopkeeper.

Without waiting for the old shopkeeper to answer, Chang Sunyan pulled Luo Hen aside and said in a low voice: "Master Luo Hen, I think this matter is weird, we have to hurry, I'm afraid it's not appropriate to deal with it!"

Luo Hen shook his head, pointing to the old shopkeeper who was immersed in grief, and replied: "General Changsun, the purpose of our trip is to repel the Wuyue Clan and help the people in trouble... But now seeing the tragedy happened, if we ignore it, wouldn’t it be contrary to the real purpose of the expedition?”

Changsun Yan was helpless by Luo Hen's words, so he had no choice but to turn his gaze to Jin Yuan, and persuaded him in a low voice: "Queen, I will take care of this matter, let the magistrates handle this matter!"

(End of this chapter)

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