Chapter 741 Expedition 22
Jin Yuan thought for a moment, but before she could answer, the old shopkeeper stood up tremblingly again, and said to them, "I... I'll take you to see..."

"Wait..." Changsun Yan wanted to stop the old shopkeeper, but Jin Yuan waved to him, gave him a comforting look, and followed the old shopkeeper to the guy's room first.

Changsun Yan had no choice but to sigh and followed closely behind.

Luo Hen also followed, but the moment he turned his head, he realized that among so many people, Ming Ye and Chu Yi were the only ones missing, and a ray of doubt floated in his heart unconsciously.

A group of people arrived at the clerk's room, the dead clerk was still lying on the bed, his body was already stiff...

His death was exactly as described by the old shopkeeper, white foam remained on his mouth, his face was blue, and his eyes were wide open, as if he had seen something extremely terrifying before he died!

"It seems that this store guy is dying..." Someone who saw this death sighed in a low voice.

The old shopkeeper also heard it, walked to the shop assistant's bedside and wailed loudly: "You died so badly! You worked with me for a few years, and died at a young age... You still said that you made money Just go back to treat the old mother, you just died, what will your old mother do..."

Jin Yuan quietly looked at the shop clerk's body for a long while, then murmured to Luo Hen and Changsun Yan in a low voice: "His face is blue and foaming at the mouth, there are only two possibilities... either he was poisoned by someone, or he was killed alive. Absorbed popularity!"

Changsun Yan and Luo Hen were startled when they heard the words, and they walked to the corpse one after another, trying to put down his outstretched arm, but found that his arm was extremely stiff.

Jin Yuan also saw it, sighed to Changsun Yan and Luo Hen, and said nothing.

After the old shopkeeper finished crying, General Sun Yan and Luo Hen were still looking down at the shop assistant's corpse, and hurriedly waved to stop them: "Wait, what are you going to do?"

Luo Hen kindly explained to the old shopkeeper: "Shopkeeper, we want to find out the cause of your buddy's death, maybe we can catch the murderer!"

The old shopkeeper was probably stimulated by the word "murderer". He shook his body, turned to Jin Yuan suddenly, pointed at her and said suddenly: "I remembered, late last night, I saw you sneaking upstairs. Next... I asked you, but you still said you didn't know what you were doing! You must be the one who killed my shop boy!"

(End of this chapter)

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