Chapter 743 Expedition 24
Seeing Jin Yuan nodding, the old shopkeeper raised his head and snorted coldly: "I'm right, she recognized it herself!"

Changsun Yan frowned slightly. He would never believe that the queen was the murderer, not only because the queen was known for her compassion and kindness, but also because he followed the queen to catch Chao Li, the national teacher, and had already seen the queen's ability!

How can someone who dares to fight against the resentful spirit have the heart to kill someone? !
Changsun Yan thought of this, his expression was still calm, and he said coldly to the old shopkeeper: "To tell you the truth, it is my empress that you have identified. How could she kill you, an innocent civilian?"

The old shopkeeper was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head and said with a sneer: "Joke, the queen lives in our small inn? If you say she is the queen, then I am too empress! don't want to fool me..."

Hearing the disrespectful words from the old shopkeeper, Luo Hen's face changed slightly, and he walked up to him and scolded him coldly: "Bold, how dare you disrespect the queen and the emperor? Just because of your crime of slandering the queen, we can arrest you Into the prison!"

"Even if you kill me, I will say the same... If you have the ability, kill me!"

The old shopkeeper was scolded by Luo Hen, but he didn't show any fear, and laughed more and more wantonly.

Jin Yuan waved her hand to stop Luo Hen and Changsun Yan from yelling at the old shopkeeper, and said in a low voice, "He's so suspicious, it's not that nothing happened! I did leave the room last night..."

Both Luohen and Changsun Yan turned their gazes to Jin Yuan, lowered their voices and asked hesitantly, "Queen, what's going on? If something happened last night, why didn't we hear anything?"

Jin Yuan shook her head and said, "I know you're's just what happened last night, and I don't quite understand it..."

It wasn't until she saw Ming Ye after returning to the room that she guessed that all this was a demon playing tricks on her again, so what about the shop assistant on the bed?Could it be that he was killed by a demon?

What is the purpose of the demon bewitching her and killing the shop clerk?
Luo Hen thought for a while, then asked Jin Yuan in a low voice: "Queen, I heard Mr. Ming Ye say something about a Gu worm yesterday, could it be that Gu worm that killed the clerk?"

Jin Yuan shook her head without hesitation: "Impossible! Why did Ming Ye kill him for no reason?"

"But it's true that I didn't see Mr. Mingye this morning!"

(End of this chapter)

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