Chapter 744 Expedition 25
There was still a hint of doubt in Luo Hen's eyes.

There was also a look of helplessness in Jin Yuan's eyes.

She didn't know where Ming Ye had gone. After going back to his room and chatting with him last night, he only said that he was going to rest...

Thinking about it carefully, Ming Ye's demeanor last night was a bit weird, but she believed that Ming Ye would never kill such an innocent shop assistant!
Or in other words, Ming Ye doesn't bother to kill a mortal at all!
"Although Ming Ye is a Gu monster, he has never harmed anyone, let alone those Gu insects that can't kill people..." Jin Yuan could only defend Ming Ye in this way.

Changsun Yan and Luo Hen looked at each other, it wasn't that they didn't believe the Queen's words, it was just that the appearance of Ming Ye was too weird!What's more, he is still some kind of Gu monster... No matter what, he is still a monster, and he should be similar to those wraith spirits!
They couldn't believe him!

Seeing that Jin Yuan insisted on not agreeing with their doubts, the two were silent for a moment, and Chang Sunyan said to the old shopkeeper again: "Even if someone came downstairs last night, how can it be seen that it was the murderer who killed you?"

The old shopkeeper's hands were tightly grasped, unable to move, he glared angrily at the eldest grandson who questioned him: "What do you mean? People died after you came, and you actually shouted "stop thief" and wanted to catch me? "

"Old shopkeeper, we just want to find out the truth..."

Luo Hen quickly answered.

Jin Yuan waved to the elite soldiers holding the old shopkeeper, signaling them to let go, and said to the old shopkeeper, "Shopkeeper, I did go downstairs last night, and it was sleepwalking as you said... But the shopkeeper got up at night, He must be awake, didn't he hear any strange noises?"

"You..." The old shopkeeper was taken aback by Jin Yuan's question, scratched his hair, and replied angrily, "I slept in a daze and went to wake up at night, where would I notice any strange noises?"

Jin Yuan stared straight at the old shopkeeper's expression, and found that his expression was a little evasive, and her doubts became heavier.She hasn't forgotten what Mingye said last night...

Ming Ye said that when she went downstairs to meet the old shopkeeper, she was in an illusion. When he woke up at night and saw her, his first reaction was not concern but fright...

Then she was also pulled back to her senses by the old shopkeeper's voice, no wonder Ming Ye said that the old shopkeeper was weird!

"Shopkeeper, but when I met you downstairs last night, you were holding a candle lamp, you were very conscious, and even chatted with me a few times, don't the shopkeeper remember?"

(End of this chapter)

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