Chapter 746 Expedition 27
However, everyone only heard his voice but didn't see him, so they couldn't help raising their heads to look around.

The old shopkeeper was also frightened by the sudden voice, his body trembled slightly, and he bravely looked around.

He checked for a while and found nothing unusual. Then he breathed a sigh of relief and said stiffly: "You don't have to scare me. I've been a shopkeeper for many years. What haven't I seen? Are you going to give it? If so, I will Just pretend nothing happened and let you go... If not, I will report to the police!"

Hearing this, Chang Sunyan took another step forward, swung his sword across the old shopkeeper's neck, and said coldly, "You want to blackmail us like this?"

The old shopkeeper waved away the long sword lying across his neck, shrugged innocently and said with a smile: "I'm not extorting... Anyway, your money is also ill-gotten wealth, you might as well keep it and give an explanation to my dead shop assistant !"

"It seems that your inn is a black shop!" Luo Hen looked at the old shopkeeper coldly and said with a frown.

The old shopkeeper gave a noncommittal smile, and his expression was more comfortable than before: "You can say whatever you want... as long as you leave your money and luggage!"

Speaking of this, the old shopkeeper walked up to Jin Yuan, pointed to her purse and said thoughtfully: "And you, I see you always cover this place with your must be some kind of treasure, and the last You can stay for me!"

Jin Yuan was taken aback, and looked at the old shopkeeper with a hint of thought in her eyes.Did he also see the moon stone?
Is this old shopkeeper a human being?

Running into him downstairs last night wasn't actually a coincidence...but a trick of the demon envoy?

Seeing this, Changsun Yan and Luo Hen hurriedly stopped in front of Jin Yuan, pointed their swords at the old shopkeeper, and said word by word: "Hugh must be rude to our queen!"


The old shopkeeper was about to say something when the corpse on the bed suddenly cried out in pain.

Everyone couldn't help looking at the dead body on the bed, only to see that the shop clerk who was already dead got up twisting his arms, and kept beating his head and said: "My head hurts, ouch, Shopkeeper, did they leave the money and leave?"

The old shopkeeper's expression changed drastically, and he hurried to the bed, slapped him, and cursed angrily, "You idiot, you woke up before the show was over!"

(End of this chapter)

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