Chapter 747 Expedition 28
"I... I don't know what happened, but I woke up suddenly, as if I was hit with a sap..."

"You..." The old shopkeeper stomped his feet resentfully, and sighed again.

Before the old shopkeeper could speak, Changsun Yan and Luo Hen walked up to him and the store clerk, and said coldly: "So you are just acting, thinking that you can blackmail our bags and money?"

The old shopkeeper shook his body, but there was no fear in his eyes. He turned around and gave Changsun Yan and Luo Hen a cold look, and suddenly laughed wildly.

Seeing his inexplicable laughter, Changsun Yan and Luo Hen were a little dazed, and they stretched out their hands to hold his shoulders, ready to tie him up.

"What I want to blackmail is your money..."

The old shopkeeper laughed wildly, looked straight at Jin Yuan through Changsun Yan and Luo Hen.

"What I want is the treasure on her body!" The old shopkeeper pointed at Jin Yuan, with a look of madness in his eyes.

"Presumptuous—" Changsun Yan and Luo Hen frowned, shouted sharply, and prepared to attack him!This old shopkeeper is really hateful. Not only did he open a black shop, but he even said disrespectful words to the queen many times, so he had to be punished!

Seeing the strange smile of the old shopkeeper, Jin Yuan shivered, and hurriedly shouted to Changsun Yan and Luo Hen: "Get out of the way—"

Changsun Yan and Luo Hen were stunned for a moment. At that moment, the old shopkeeper suddenly waved his hand and pushed the two of them away. The whole person began to change. A smear of blood appeared in his eyes, blue veins popped out of his face, and his teeth became sharp and long. He grabbed Changsun Yan with one hand.

The store clerk, who was pretending to be dead, also quickly reacted and rushed towards Luo Hen.

But before he could pounce on Luo Hen, the gray hair in Luo Hen's sleeve jumped up, jumped onto the shop assistant's face, opened his mouth and bit it down, and scolded: "You stinky bastard, don't hurt me, Luo Hen!" Brother Mark!"

The elite soldiers were stunned by the sudden change, and they froze in place, not knowing what to do.

Jin Yuan's heart tightened, and she hurriedly stretched out her hand to make two seals, and patted the old shopkeeper and the shop assistant one after another. Unexpectedly, the two of them reacted very quickly, and turned around to avoid Jin Yuan's blow.

In desperation, Jin Yuan had no choice but to throw two gleaming gold ingots with her hands, and slammed them hard at the old shopkeeper and the store clerk, hitting their heads just right, only to hear the two of them wailing, and quickly flew to Changsun Yan and Luo Scar was freed from their grip.

(End of this chapter)

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