Chapter 748 Expedition 29
"Queen, what are they..."

Changsun Yan and Luo Hen, who were pulled out of their grip by Jin Yuan, looked at the old shopkeeper and shop assistant in shock, and asked in confusion.

Jin Yuan didn't have time to explain to them. Seeing the old shopkeeper and the shop assistant who had already slowed down rushing towards her again, she hurriedly said loudly to Changsun Yan and Luo Hen: "Go outside the door quickly—"

Changsun Yan and Luo Hen shook their heads, took up their swords and looked at each other, then struck at the old shopkeeper and shop assistant again.

They want to protect the queen, how can they put the queen in a dangerous place?

Those elite soldiers finally came back to their senses, and surrounded the old shopkeeper and shop assistants together.

The old shopkeepers and shop assistants who were surrounded in the center stretched out their hands with blackened nails, and grabbed the elite soldiers surrounding them. Although the elite soldiers reacted quickly, they were not as fast as the shop assistants, and they were caught straight.

Seeing this, Jin Yuan didn't have time to react too much, and slapped the shop assistant's back hard with her hand that was sealed with gang seals.

The guy wailed, let go of the captured soldier, turned around and rushed towards Jin Yuan.

And the old shopkeeper also approached Jin Yuan from another direction. Seeing Jin Yuan surrounded by the two of them, Changsun Yan and Luo Hen were so anxious that they didn't know what to do, so they had to stab them with a sword, but they didn't expect the body of the shop assistant. It was so hard that the long sword couldn't pierce it.

"You two monsters are too courageous..."

Ming Ye's voice came to everyone's ears again, and before everyone could react, Ming Ye suddenly appeared in front of everyone and waved at the old shopkeeper and shop assistant.

Under the surprised eyes of everyone, the bodies of the old shopkeeper and shop clerk were frozen in this way, their hands froze in mid-air, before they had time to grab Jin Yuan's sleeves.

Jin Yuan patted her terrified chest, walked out from between the two of them, and then glared at Ming Ye: "It's too late for you to show up!"

Ming Ye patted Jin Yuan on the shoulder, with a cynical smile on his face, and glanced at the surprised elite soldiers, his eyes fell back on the old shopkeeper and shop assistant who had been frozen, with a sneer on his lips.

"I have long felt that there is something wrong with the shopkeeper... Now it seems that what he wants is not money, but you, the little God of Wealth!"

This time, not only Jin Yuan was surprised, Changsun Yan and Luo Hen also asked puzzledly: "Master Ming Ye, you mean, this shopkeeper wants a queen?"

(End of this chapter)

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