Chapter 749 Expedition 30
"Wait, I haven't finished my sentence..."

Ming Ye waved his hand, walked to the old shopkeeper and shop assistant, patted their stiff shoulders, and explained with a smile: "What you want is something that the little God of Wealth is carrying, right?"

The old shopkeeper and the store clerk, who were frozen in shape, rolled their eyes and wanted to speak, but when they opened their mouths, their faces changed drastically, and cold sweat slowly flowed from their foreheads.

Seeing their painful expressions, Jin Yuan asked Ming Ye suspiciously, "Did you cast a spell on them again?"

Ming Ye nodded happily, wandered around them, raised his eyebrows and smiled viciously: "Yeah, I didn't show up just now, I just wanted to force them to reveal their true colors... I don't care if they play other people's ideas, but I can't let They're planning on you, Little God of Wealth!"

Jin Yuan's heart was warmed by his words, and she smiled at Ming Ye and said, "Ming Ye, thank you..."

Ming Ye waved his hand, and before he could answer, Luo Hen pointed at the immobilized old shopkeeper and store clerk and said, "Master Ming Ye, what should the two of them do?"

Ming Ye shrugged and sneered, flicked the beads of sweat on their foreheads with his fingers, and said quietly: "I gave them a fixation Gu, and they couldn't move or talk...but with their strength, if they want to talk or want to It's not impossible to move..." At this point, a sharp light shot out of Ming Ye's eyes, and even the smile on his lips became cold and severe.

"As long as they can bear the pain of being devoured all over their bodies!"

The people present couldn't help shaking when they heard Ming Ye's cold words.

Even Changsun Yan and Luo Hen, who had seen Wraith Spirits before, felt a little creepy when they heard the words.

It seems that they all underestimated this young master Ming Ye who temporarily replaced the emperor!
Although he looked cynical, his every move, every word and deed was no less than that of the emperor, and even his occasional sternness was exactly the same as that of the emperor, making him intimidating!

Chang Sunyan glanced at the two men who were sweating coldly, then turned his eyes to Ming Ye, and asked with cupped hands: "Master Ming Ye, forgive us for being rude, I almost suspected that the death of this shop clerk had something to do with Master Ming Ye...but I didn't find out. It turns out that he faked his death!"

Jin Yuan also stuck out her tongue quietly at the side, it's just that Changsun Yan didn't notice it, but she, the god of wealth, didn't notice it, it's really embarrassing!
(End of this chapter)

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