Chapter 750 Expedition 31
It's just that when she saw the store clerk died on the bed, his body was stiff, as if poisoned, and he had no breath, so she didn't think much about it...

"They have made sufficient preparations, how could they let you find out?"

Ming Ye looked disapproving, and explained lightly: "What's more, they are not mortals! For example, this old a bat demon with cultivation base!"

When Ming Ye said this, Changsun Yan and Luo Hen were taken aback, bat demon?
"But how could they open an inn?" Changsun Yan was still full of doubts.

Ming Ye shrugged: "We have to ask them!"

After he finished speaking, he clapped his hands towards the two people who were immobilized, and said with a smile: "You can talk now!"

The old shopkeeper whom Ming Ye called the bat demon first breathed a sigh of relief, then gave Ming Ye a hard look, and clenched his hands tightly, as if he wanted to attack Ming Ye all the time.

Ming Ye saw his intention, put his arms around his chest, and said with a sneer: "I allowed you to speak, but I never said that you can move... If you are not afraid of the pain of being bitten by Gu insects, just do it !"

The bat demon's complexion changed slightly, and he wanted to move. As Ming Ye said, he only moved a little, and his whole body trembled in pain. Even his pupils shrank suddenly, and he said intermittently: " ... You are a Gu Yao, why are you among this group of people?"

"You haven't answered our question yet!" Ming Ye put away her cynical smile and asked in a cold voice, "Did the two of you be instigated by monsters, and you knew we would pass by here?"

The bat demon who turned into the old shopkeeper did not answer.

Seeing this, Ming Ye walked up to the shop clerk again, patted him on the shoulder, and said lightly: "It's okay, he won't answer, and you... Your cultivation base is not high, the reason why you can pretend to be dead has fooled everyone , Did you take fake dead grass?"

The store clerk was a little afraid of Ming Ye, nodded repeatedly and replied: "Yes...but how did you know?"

"My little pet told me..."

Ming Ye spread out his palms, and a delicate Gu worm was in sight, which not only scared the shop assistant, but also scared Changsun Yan and Luo Hen.

This... is this the legendary Gu worm?

Seeing this, the shop clerk shook his body and began to beg Ming Ye for mercy: "Master Gu Yao, please let me go... I don't know anything, he ordered me to do this... He said that once I succeed, there will be a The reward can improve my cultivation!"

(End of this chapter)

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