Chapter 751 Expedition 32
The old shopkeeper heard that the shop assistant begged for mercy so quickly, and said angrily, "What a waste!"

A cold light flashed in Ming Ye's eyes, and he said to the shop assistant who begged for mercy: "Is he a monster you are talking about? You also said that once you get it, you will be rewarded, what is it? What exactly do you want to get?"

"It's just to get the treasure that this girl is wearing..."

The store clerk hesitated for a long time, but couldn't explain why.

The bat demon at the side suppressed the pain of being bitten all over his body, and slapped the shop assistant fiercely with his palm.

With a sound of "Pa--", five fingers were imprinted on the shop assistant's face, which showed how hard the bat demon slapped him.

The shop clerk was dizzy from such a sudden slap, Ming Ye waved his hand and pinched the bat demon's hand, and then pulled it back, "Gaden—" With a sound, Ming Ye forcibly pulled that palm off.

Changsun Yan and Luo Hen on the side had never seen Ming Ye's ruthlessness, so they couldn't help but stare wide-eyed.

The other elite soldiers also gasped.

Jin Yuan shook her head, also felt that Ming Ye was too cruel, so she persuaded in a low voice: "Ming Ye, actually you don't have to do this..."

Ming Ye clapped his hands, raised the corners of his lips slightly, and replied nonchalantly: "Little God of Wealth, you don't understand... They are monsters who insult our monster clan! What's more, to be kind to them is to be cruel to yourself! "

Although his actions were a bit harsh, his words were very reasonable. Changsun Yan and Luo Hen also nodded in agreement, and said to Jin Yuan: "Master Mingye is right... Queen, no matter whether these two are Monster or something, we can't just let them go!"

Jin Yuan sighed, walked to the side of the bat demon whose hand was broken by Ming Ye, frowned and asked, "You said I had a baby with me, why didn't I know? What exactly are you referring to?"

The bat demon sneered, and replied thoughtfully: "You don't have to pretend you don't know anything... Even if we can't get it now, our master will get it..."

"Is your master a demon?"

Jin Yuan already had the answer vaguely in her heart, but she still didn't quite understand some things!
If the demon wants to get the moon stone from her, why does it have to go around such a long way to get it through the bat demon?

And why let the shop boy pretend to be dead to blackmail them?

(End of this chapter)

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