Chapter 752 Expedition 33
And last night, she was immersed in the illusion that seemed like a dream but not a dream, and she didn't even know when she went downstairs. At that time, wasn't it the best time for the demon to steal the moon stone? !

The bat demon was about to answer when the clerk who was slapped on the side suddenly screamed, and then the sound of "嗞嗞" reached everyone's ears.

"No, everyone, spread out—"

Jin Yuan was the first to smell something wrong, and hurriedly waved her hand to Zhang Sunyan and the others to order, and quickly set up a barrier.

Those elite soldiers did not want to be deserters, but surrounded Jin Yuan to protect her.

But the bat demon and the screaming shop assistant didn't rush towards them, instead they stood there frantically, trying to get rid of something.

And the Gu worms that Ming Ye applied also had an effect on their bodies. As they struggled, they were already attacked by the pain of being eaten by the Gu worms. Their whole bodies began to degenerate into monsters, with blue veins popping out of their faces, and their ears gradually becoming pointed. , looks particularly terrifying.

"Queen, what happened to them?" Zhang Sunyan asked in surprise, seeing them standing there struggling with their hands and feet.

Jin Yuan shook her head, and said to Ming Ye: "Ming Ye, I think they are too painful tormented by the Gu worms, call the Gu worms back!"

Ming Ye stared straight at the two of them, shook his head and whispered, "It's's not my Gu worms that are torturing them this time!"

"what is that?"

Jin Yuan saw that the two of them had completely transformed into bat demons, and the torture became more and more terrifying. She said puzzledly, "It looks like someone is secretly torturing them?"

Ming Ye nodded, but before he could answer, the sound of "嗞嗞" became more intense, and then a mass of fire suddenly ignited from them.

Seeing their bodies burst into flames all of a sudden, everyone's eyes widened in astonishment.

Seeing that the fire was getting bigger and bigger, Ming Ye ordered in a deep voice: "Let's get out of here—"

Changsun Yan and Luo Hen also nodded in agreement, turned around to leave the room, and ordered the elite soldiers: "Pack up all your bags!"

Jin Yuan and Ming Ye were behind, and before leaving, Jin Yuan looked at the two monsters who were still struggling in the fire, and said to Ming Ye worriedly: "Their words have not been explained clearly, why don't we save them first, Blame?"

Ming Ye took her arm, shook her head and replied, "I'm afraid we won't be able to save them either!"

(End of this chapter)

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