Chapter 753 Expedition 34
As soon as Ming Ye finished speaking, they were burned to a pile of wreckage amidst a shrill scream.

But the fire at the inn still didn't abate. After they cleared their bags and left the inn with their horses, the fire became bigger and bigger.In the end, with a bang, the inn was destroyed just like that.

The sky was actually very bright, and the inn was burned down by the fire, and no one even found out.And from the beginning to the end, the monster did not show up...

Whether it was the destroyed inn, or the two demons who turned into the old shopkeeper and shop assistant, they were all burned to pieces in a big fire!

A gust of wind blew away the ashes, and the fire was unknowingly extinguished... The street was as quiet as ever, as if nothing had happened!
The scene of the two bat monsters being burned still flashed in Jin Yuan's mind, and the group had walked for an unknown distance before Jin Yuan sighed and said, "I still can't figure it out. How could they suddenly catch fire?"

"Looking at their appearance, they don't really want to die..." Ming Ye frowned slightly, and murmured in a low voice: "Just now that bat demon also mentioned his master, I'm afraid the one who manipulated all this is a demon!"

Jin Yuan remained silent.She didn't understand why the demon did this, and what she could gain by putting on such a play!
And those two bat demons, after listening to the demon's order, did they ever know that they would be burned to death by the demon? !

"Little God of Wealth, the bat demon said that they want to get some treasure from you, what is going on?"

Ming Ye was silent for a while, and then asked suspiciously.

Jin Yuan lowered her eyes and smiled faintly, patted her purse helplessly, shrugged and said, "I really deceived them just now... I don't have any other treasures, only one... Moonstone!"

What the demon wants to get from her, besides the moon stone, she can't think of anything else!
"Moonstone?" Ming Ye pondered for a moment, a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

He has also heard about the legend of the moon stone...but he has never seen it, and he doesn't take the legend of the moon stone to heart!
He just heard some goblins talking about it, saying that getting the moon stone can improve a lot of cultivation, and get twice the result with half the effort...

But he didn't care about it, because he never believed that improving his cultivation requires the help of these external things!
(End of this chapter)

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