Chapter 754 Expedition 35
"Yeah...the monster has always wanted to get the moon stone to improve its skills!"

Jin Yuan nodded, and was about to take out the moon stone from her purse to show him, but her hand was held down by Ming Ye.

"Little God of Wealth, it's better not to take this thing out!"

Jin Yuan made a face at Ming Ye, and said in a low voice, "This moon stone is said to be a sacred object of the Wuyue clan. It's not surprising that demons have been coveting this moon stone and wanting to take it from me... just I think I don’t understand, the demon is so powerful, why didn’t he snatch it by force?”

Ming Ye thought for a moment, then raised his eyebrows and smiled, "The demon didn't take the moon stone from you, it just means that he can't take the moon stone!"

Jin Yuan was stunned: "You mean..."

"I'm just guessing..."

Ming Ye shrugged, and said thoughtfully: "Since this moon stone is transformed from the stone left by Nuwa to mend the sky, it has naturally accumulated countless auras, so it must have been spiritual for a long time! And the demon has already entered the demonic nature, and this The aura of the Moonstone is naturally counteracted! If the monster can take it by force, I'm afraid there is no need to wait until this time!"

Jin Yuan nodded half-understanding: "That is to say, the demon can only get this moon stone under the guise of others?"

Ming Ye hooked his lips and smiled faintly, and said quietly: "A more accurate way of saying it is that you are willing to take out this moon stone and offer it with your own hands!"

Jin Yuan was shocked when she heard the words, she shook her head subconsciously and said, "How could I be willing to offer this moon stone to the demon..."

Before she could finish her sentence, her heart shivered, and she suddenly realized: "I understand, no wonder I went downstairs in a daze last night... That dreamlike illusion was created by demons, there is no other purpose, just In order for me to hand over the moon stone?"

Demons are really insidious enough!
She has been puzzled by that dreamlike illusion, thinking about the relationship between Lian'er and him, and even thinking that there must be some reason for the mandrill to become a demon...

She almost caught the demon's way!
If the moon stone really fell into the hands of the monster, it would be terrible!Not only will Zhuo Bingshan be in danger, but the world will also be in chaos!
The bat demon under the demon's hands can be burned to death by the demon because of ineffectiveness, how can other innocent creatures escape his control?She thought that the mandrill must have a reason for becoming a demon... All of this is just the demon trying to confuse her!

What Ming Ye said is right, monsters are monsters, they have no good intentions!

(End of this chapter)

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