Chapter 759 Expedition 40
Jin Yuan's eyes lit up first, then she looked at Ming Ye suspiciously and said, "How do you know that Brother Shancai and I have a good personal relationship?"

Ming Ye caressed his chin, and said with a leisurely smile, "Don't forget, boy Shancai came down to earth for the first time, didn't he come to my Luoyunfang?"

Jin Yuan pondered deeply, nodded and said with a smile, "Exactly..."

At that time, she and Luo Hen went to Luoyunfang to watch a show for the first time. On the first day of the junior high school, they gave Luo Hen the Joy Gu. some things!

Brother Shancai has come to her several times, even the Buddhist beads in her body and the red thread of Grandpa Yue are all begged by Brother Shancai for her...

What Ming Ye said is right, brother Shancai has always been loved by the Supreme Lord, she can ask brother Shancai to help her find the Supreme Lord to find out!

Jin Yuan made up her mind, and when the team reached the valley for a rest, she walked away from afar and called out to Brother Shancai silently in her heart.

After calling for an unknown amount of time, brother Shancai didn't show up either. I'm afraid he has something to do at the moment and it's not convenient for him to come down to see her!
Jin Yuan sighed and had no choice but to give up.Just as she was about to turn around and leave, Shancai's voice came from behind.

"A Yuan, you are in such a hurry to find me, what's the matter?"

Jin Yuan turned around in surprise, and she saw Shan Cai floating in the air with a whisk, but she had already set up a barrier, so others could not see the two of them.

"Brother Shancai, I want to ask you something!"

When Jin Yuan saw him, it was like seeing a relative. She felt warm in her heart and wanted to talk to him more. She actually wanted to ask him about the fact that the Emperor of Heaven sent her down, whether he knew about it, but it wasn't just for reminiscing about the past at this time. good time!

"What's the matter?" Shancai looked at her suspiciously, turned his head and asked curiously.

"You must have heard about the battle between Pojun and demons...Recently, demons have become more and more rampant. I have been deceived by demons more than once. I am afraid that sooner or later the demons will use me to hurt Pojun, so I want to find a way to avoid being deceived by demons." A tricky way!"

Jin Yuan didn't know how to explain everything that happened before and after to Shan Cai, so she decided to make a long story short.

Shancai was also ignorant of what he heard, and he scratched his head and asked puzzledly, "Then what can I do for you?"

"Mingye told me that the reason why I was confused may be because I have a memory that has been dusted, and the demon is using this memory to confuse me!"

(End of this chapter)

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