Chapter 760 Dusty Memories 1
After Jin Yuan finished speaking, she pointed to Ming Ye who was standing not far away, and explained to the doubtful Shan Cai: "Ming Ye is the Gu Yao I met!"

Shancai glanced at Ming Ye, couldn't help but took a step back, pulled Jin Yuan over and whispered, "A Yuan, why did you become friends with Gu Yao?"

Shancai's voice was full of doubts and fears, as if Ming Ye was some dangerous monster!
Jin Yuan shrugged, and asked nonchalantly: "What's wrong with Gu Yao? Ming Ye has never harmed anyone... He is very nice, so I became friends with him! This time Zhuo Bingshan went to find Fu Mojian, He also set off on behalf of Zhuo Bingshan!"

Shancai looked at Mingye from a distance, wanted to say something, but finally just shook his head and sighed: "Forget it, maybe I was thinking too much... because the Emperor of Heaven ordered us not to casually get acquainted with Yaozu! But this time, With Star Lord Pojun here, the Heavenly Emperor should not blame you!"

Speaking of this, Shancai returned to his smiling face, and asked with concern: "Ayuan, you just said that the demon uses your dusty memory to confuse you, how can I help you?"

"Brother Shancai, I want you to ask Taishang Laojun for me to see what my dusty memory is... At the beginning, Taishang Laojun brought me to the heaven, I think Taishang Laojun May know these things!"

Shan Cai nodded, patted Jin Yuan on the shoulder, smiled and comforted her, "Okay, I'll take care of this matter, I'll ask Taishang Laojun to find out what memories you have buried!"

"Brother Shancai, thank you!"

Upon hearing this, Jin Yuan looked at him gratefully and said.

Shancai waved his hand, shrugged his shoulders and smiled indifferently: "Ayuan, you don't have to thank me for such a small matter... In this battle between immortals and demons, you stay with Pojun Xingjun and fight against demons together. The great hero!"

Jin Yuan shook her head and smiled wryly: "We have never confronted the monster head-on, how can we count as heroes? To get rid of the monster, we can only rely on breaking the army in the end, and I hope I don't drag him back!"

Seeing the sadness flashing across her face, Shancai inevitably felt a little worried for her.

He remembered that she was the most carefree in the heaven, but after being sent down by the emperor, she seemed to have more and more worries, and even her smile seemed to be much less than before!

"Ayuan, you and... Pojun Xingjun, are you alright?"

(End of this chapter)

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