Chapter 761 Dusty Memories 2
Shancai couldn't help asking with concern.

Jin Yuan was stunned for a moment, raised her eyes to meet Shang Shancai's concerned gaze, and nodded hesitantly: "Brother Shancai, I actually want to ask... When you sent me down earlier, did you all know that Zhuo Bingshan is the Pojun Xingjun?"

Shancai waved his hands again and again, and said seriously: "Ayuan, maybe the Taishang Laojun and the others know, but I don't know...Really, Ayuan, you believe me, if I knew, how could I hide it from you?"

Hearing what he said, Jin Yuan felt relieved, nodded and smiled in relief: "Brother Shancai, I believe in you!"

It turns out...there are gods in the heavens, she deserves her trust!
It turned out that not all the gods regarded her as a pawn and kept her in the dark!

"Ayuan, in fact, don't blame Grandpa God of Wealth and the others. Pojun Xingjun's identity is no small matter. What happened to the mortal world is a" Shancai comforted her again.

Looking at the sadness that flashed across her eyes, he also felt a little guilty in his heart.

I knew this earlier... He should have asked Grandpa the God of Wealth to accompany her to the mortal world together!

He didn't know the intention of the Emperor of Heaven to do this, but he was shocked when he learned that this mortal emperor was the Star Lord Pojun!
Because he remembered that when he was in the heaven, A Yuan and Po Jun Xing Jun had also dealt with each other... A Yuan was punished by Po Jun Xing Jun for being disrespectful!
He was worried that after A Yuan was sent down to earth, she would be bullied by Pojun Xingjun!
He didn't feel relieved until he asked Yuelao's red line for them and knew that Pojun Xingjun had fallen in love with A Yuan!

I hope that the kind and lovely A Yuan can melt the big iceberg of Pojun Xingjun!
Jin Yuan was silent for a moment, then raised her head and showed a nonchalant smile to Shancai: "Brother Shancai, it's okay, I don't blame Grandpa God of Wealth and the others... These are the arrangements of the Heavenly Emperor. If the heavenly secret leaked out, the demons would have known about it long ago." !"

Shancai nodded, patted Jin Yuan on the shoulder and said with a smile: "You are right...the Heavenly Emperor must have a reason for making such an arrangement! When you get rid of the demons, the Heavenly Emperor will arrange a wedding for you!"

Jin Yuan smiled faintly, and after a moment of silence, she asked quietly, "Brother Shancai, actually I want to ask you one more's about Pojun Xingjun!"

"What?" Shancai asked with a gentle smile.

"Pojun Xingjun... his previous lover, Lian Er, what kind of fairy is he?"

(End of this chapter)

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