Chapter 762 Dusty Memories 3
Jin Yuan didn't want to ask at first, but now seeing Shancai, she finally couldn't help asking.

"She..." Shancai was stunned for a moment, a look of regret flashed in his eyes, and he was both sighed and surprised.

What kind of fairy is Lian'er, how can she explain it clearly in a few words? !
What surprised him was why A Yuan suddenly asked about Lian'er...could it be Po Jun Xingjun who mentioned her?

After so many years, he thought Po Jun Xing Jun would forget Lian Xian, but now even A Yuan knows, so Po Jun Xing Jun has never forgotten Lian Er?

What about A Yuan?Where does Pojun Xingjun put Ayuan?

The more Shancai thought about it, the more frightened he became, but he didn't want to show his worry, so he asked calmly, "Ayuan, why did you suddenly think of asking her?"

"She is the woman Po Jun Xingjun loves deeply, so I want to ask..."

Jin Yuan lowered her head to hide the bitterness that flashed in her eyes, and said lightly: "Maybe it's because of curiosity, I want to know what kind of woman she is..."

"Lianxian...she is beautiful, but her mind is pure and clear, and her piano skills are excellent..."

When Shancai talked about Lianxian, he unknowingly fell into the memory of the past.

Lian'er used to be just a lotus spirit, and it is said that she was ascended to immortality after many catastrophes...Although the gods in the heavens looked down on her, he felt that Lian'er was a rare person with true temperament!

Because of this, he became good friends with Lian Xian unknowingly... and often played with Lian Xian, and even brother Shao Si and other five-way Gods of Wealth had very good personal relationships with Lian Er!

With nothing to do, they often listen to her talk about the things before she ascended to immortality, and they also like to listen to her playing the piano!

In fact, Lianxian is not only attracted by Pojun Xingjun? !

It's just that they never imagined that in order to be with Lian'er, Pojun Xingjun disobeyed the Emperor of Heaven's will, and even rejected the marriage arranged by the Emperor of Heaven for Pojun Xingjun!
The Emperor of Heaven was furious, and insisted on separating the two of them... But no one expected that at this moment, the monsters started to make trouble, and Po Jun Xingjun was ordered to quell the chaos!

As for Lian'er, she was imprisoned by the Heavenly Emperor... They wanted to release her, but they couldn't disobey the Heavenly Emperor's will!

Until later, they didn't know how Lian'er escaped from the Heavenly Emperor's imprisonment, let alone how Lian'er died. These things were all covered up by the Heavenly Emperor's order!
(End of this chapter)

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