Chapter 763 Dusty Memories 4
It seems that the existence of the lotus fairy is just an illusion of the gods in the heavens!
And it is precisely because they have seen the rage of Pojun Xingjun that they dare not mention Lianxian in front of Pojun Xingjun...

"A Yuan, I can't describe Lian'er with accurate words..."

Shancai let out a low sigh, recovering from the long memory, and said quietly: "But she can make the always ruthless Pojun Xingjun fall in love with her, there must be something unique about her!"

"Yes..." Hearing Shancai's description, Jin Yuan couldn't help feeling extremely sour.

Compared with Lian Er, I am really nothing outstanding!

She has neither stunning beauty nor amazing piano skills... She doesn't even understand why Zhuo Bingshan fell in love with her!
"I don't know anything, and my cultivation is poor...Compared with Lian'er, I'm even more unworthy of Pojun!" Jin Yuan said with a wry smile, her voice gradually lowered.

"Ayuan, don't think so, you also have your uniqueness, otherwise, how could Pojun Xingjun fall in love with you later?"

Shancai patted her on the shoulder, comforted her with a smile and said, "All the immortals in the heavens are thinking, who can make Pojun Xingjun come out of the shadow of Lian'er's death, because no one has been able to let Pojun Xingjun come out of the shadow of Lian'er's death for thousands of years. Pojun Xingjun is looking at each other! Except for you, Ayuan..."

As early as A Yuan had just arrived in the Heaven Realm, he felt a little strange... At that time, A Yuan had no cultivation level, so she accidentally bumped into Po Jun Xingjun!
He thought Pojun Xingjun would be furious, but Pojun Xingjun just punished her for copying her name...

Later Pojun Xingjun actually came to look for A Yuan several times. From this point of view, it was probably at that time that Pojun Xingjun treated A Yuan differently!

It's no wonder that the Emperor of Heaven sent A Yuan down to stay with Pojun Xingjun!
Jin Yuan shook her head, and honestly smiled bitterly at Shancai: "Brother Shancai, but I still can't replace Lian'er in his heart... What's more, Lian'er is now reborn and has regained her memory. They parted ways Thousands of years, now we can finally be together!"

Shancai was shocked when he heard the words, and said in disbelief: "You said that Lian'er was reborn? How is it possible? She obviously has her soul shattered!"

Jin Yuan was taken aback for a moment, it seemed that brother Shancai didn't know about it!
"Isn't Lian'er reborn as Concubine Luo? Concubine Luo also said that this was all arranged by the Heavenly Emperor!" Jin Yuan said these facts in a depressed mood.

(End of this chapter)

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